Chapter 8

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"Maddy?" Blake asked, knocking on my door. "What to you want to do today?" He sprawled himself out on my bed, looking more comfortable then I wanted him to be. Hmm..... I sat on his stomach, making him groan in pain. I giggled, as he squirmed, and I toppled off and ended up sprawled over him.

"I don't know. What do you want to do today?" I countered.

I knew today wasn't going to be like every other day. We were going to have some Baddy time, and maybe a few friends over. That's how it usually worked when conversations started like this. I raised with each breath he took.

"I don't know, what do you want to do today?" He shot back.

I groaned."How long will this conversation go on for? You choose."

"No!" He whined. "You pick!"

I said, "Movie!" At the same time he screeched, "The lake party!"

I groaned, and stuffed my face into a pillow. "I have a solution!" He declared, waving his arms around crazily. He looked about five years old, and had a huge grin on his face. I loved my brother, who managed to be real and fun and absolutely himself, yet he was popular without having put on a mask.

"What's your god damn solution?" I mumbled. This better be good.

"We- wait drum roll!" He said. He laid on his back, and rolled up his shirt, revealing his well-toned six pack. I sighed, and kneeled on his thighs, making him 'ow', and I began to slap his stomach. It was this thing that we always did when the other made a intelligent announcement. "We watch the movie first and then gotothelakeparty!" he cheered. I cocked my head to the side, why did he say that last part really fast? I couldn't understand a word that escaped his lips.

"Wait- what was that last part? I didn't catch it." I asked. He squirmed, and it then dawned on my. "No! I am not going to that ridiculous lake party!"

"Please sissy?" He pouted, and gave me his 'I'll-love-you-forever-if-you-do-this' look. I sighed, and nodded slowly. He cheered, and tackled me in a huge bear hug. We toppled off the bed and onto the floor. The rug rubbed on my arm, and the person on top of me was crushing me.

"You fat walrus!" I gasped angrily. "You better move your obese, blubbery muscles off of me!"

He chuckled, making my be squished even more. "That was a contradictory statement sister."

I paused my useless struggles, and paused. I replayed my furious cry back in my head, and had a light bulb moment. "Oh, well.... I got nothing. Just get off." Eventually he rolled off, and stood up briskly. he gave me a hand up, and I glared at him. "Thanks a lot fat-so." he just slung an arm around my waist, and tossed me over his shoulder. He carried me through our house, with me feebly pounding my dainty fists on his muscled back.

"Skittles!" I exclaimed.

"What?" He asked, his shoulders vibrating with laughter.

"Well, your back hurts when you hit it, because of all of your foot ball muscles. Damn you." I replied.

"No," He said in between laughs,"why did you say skittles?"

"Oh. That." I mumbled. A deep, scarlet blush rose to my cheeks, and I stammered out my words. "I don't like saying 'shit' a lot, so I say 'skittles' instead."

"Ha ha, I love my innocent little sister." We had reached our beige living room, and he tossed me onto our soft, fuzzy brown couch.

"I'm not innocent!" I protested, crossing my arms. He shot me a look, while digging through the DVD cabinet."Well....," I racked my mind for something rebellious that I did. "Oh! Remember that time, in school, when I walked to my locker. Without a pass?" I smirked, thinking I had won the conversation.

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