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As the morning sun filtered through the curtains, Cristina stirred from her slumber, her heart warmed by the gentle weight of Leo resting on her chest. She carefully extricated herself from the rocker, tucking the blanket around him before silently slipping out of the room. Cristina slowly leaves Leo's room, her hair tousled from sleep but a soft smile graced her lips as she joined them at the table.

"Good morning," Owen greeted, offering her a cup of coffee.

Cristina accepted it with a grateful nod. "Morning," she replied, glancing over at Evie who was eagerly pouring pancake batter onto the skillet.

As they ate, the conversation flowed effortlessly, filled with laughter and easy camaraderie. They discussed plans for the day, tossing around ideas for a family outing.

"How about we go to the zoo?" Owen suggested, looking at Cristina. "Leo loves animals"

Cristina nodded, a spark of excitement in her eyes ."That sounds perfect."

"Evie hasn't been to the zoo since she was three and it wasn't a good experience," said Cristina

"I remembered Mom running so fast with me in her arms at the zoo for some reason," Evie said

Cristina responded as she started having flashbacks "Yeah let's just say whenever we're at the zoo we avoid the tigers"

"Sounds like your mom was channeling her inner sprinter that day! I remember it well, Evie. Your mom's always been quick on her feet, especially when it comes to medical cases. But yeah, those tigers... Definitely not on our list of favorite zoo attractions anymore." said Owen

"Yeah, Dad, Mom's like a superhero sometimes! I remember when she patched up my knee after a bike accident in under 10 minutes. Instead of going to the tigers... let's see the giraffes and zebras " said Evie while eating breakfast

After breakfast, they piled into the car, Evie chattering excitedly from the backseat while Leo gazed wide-eyed at the passing scenery. At the zoo, they marveled at the animals, Evie and Leo running ahead with boundless energy while Owen and Cristina trailed behind, content to watch them.

As they sat down for lunch, Owen and Cristina found themselves in a quiet moment alone.

"This feels... nice," Cristina admitted, her gaze softening as she looked at Owen. "Being together like this, as a family."

Owen nodded, a hint of vulnerability in his eyes. "Yeah, it does."

Their conversation turned to deeper topics, discussing their hopes for the future, both as individuals and as co-parents.

Later that evening, as they tucked Evie and Leo into bed, Owen and Cristina found themselves standing in the hallway, lingering outside Leo's room.

"I never thought we'd ever be here," Owen confessed, his voice barely above a whisper.

Cristina turned to him, her expression softening with understanding. "Me neither. But I'm glad we are."

They shared a moment of silent understanding, before retreating to their rooms for the night, Owen couldn't help but feel a sense of hope stirring within him. Maybe, just maybe, this was the start of their relationship progressing.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19 ⏰

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