Chapter 2: Worthy

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3rd pov:

The Sully family lived slightly longer with the Metakayina, but there was no reason for them to stay anymore, they left having formed a great bond between the two tribes and they returned to the Omaticaya, they were welcomed enthusiastically and things returned to how they were, as though nothing happened.

The tribe agreed that as long as Jake was alive they could see no one else leading them, and so he was swiftly renamed Olu'ektan and Neteyam was back in training to be chief.

Speaking of which, it had been 5 years, Neteyam was 20, Lo'ak 19, Spider 19, Kiri 17, and Tuk was 13.

Neteyam had finally completed his ritual of becoming a man, he felt different, more confident, even physically stronger.

The only thing was, he was in no rush to mate.

His parents didn't encourage an early marriage either, he was too  young, even though he was a man and an official contributor to the tribe, it was the general consensus Neteyam was not old enough to have a family of his own.

Of course that didn't stop all the girls his age, it was no secret Neteyam was the best looking guy in the tribe (second to his father as Jake himself would say.)

He had women 10 years older than him showing interest, but none of them clicked with him.

The truth was, ever since he was released from the Spirit Tree, Neteyam had a burning desire to search for something, someone. He knew Kolanan probably didn't exist, at best she's a dead girl who resides in a Spirit Tree of Eywa, but every girl he met, they never lasted longer than a week, there was just this gaping hole in his existence, like half of him was missing.

Neteyam expressed this to his mother once since his father was never the emotional type, Neytiri's heart both wept and warmed at the confession. It warmed because Eywa has clearly chosen someone for her son, it wept because she felt the exact same feeling in the short time Jake was missing from her life after they bonded, even though she felt betrayed, she knew from that hollow feeling she would never be the same, never be completed without him.

"Eywa has someone planned for you my beautiful son, she may not come around any time soon, it could be when your 100, patience is important."

"But you met dad when you were 18 and he was 17."

"Well that was your dad's avatar body, human him was 22, so maybe 2 more years." She offered him a guilty smile.

"Dad's avatar body is now his only body, so he was 17 when you met." Neteyam deadpanned.

"Fine, look, just because it happened quickly for us doesn't mean it will for you, we live for a minimum of 160 years Neteyam, you're only 20 ok? You will find her when you are meant to find her." 

But as the days went on Neteyam felt as though he was withering away, he couldn't go any longer without filling this void, he need to find his mate, he needed to go to a Spirit Tree and try to find her.





Drums sounded around the fire at dinner, Neteyam had excused himself early to 'go to bed', now he was an adult he had a separate house from his family so they weren't going to be tucking him in at night or anything, he could slip out easily.

And he did.

The young Na'vi trudged through the forest, walking to the Tree of Voices, his mind went blank as he got lost in the sound of the wilderness, the beauty of Pandora never failed to astound him, whether you grow up here or not, you can't help but stare at it like the miracle it is.

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