Chapter 5: Push and Pull

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3rd pov:

"W-where are we going-ouch." Neteyam groaned in pain as he bumped into a jagged rock, right in his wound...

"Well that's an infection, come on hurry up, we're going to my house." Kolanan pulled him closer to her so he didn't flail into dirty rocks as much.

"Can't we just ride an Ikran?"

"No point, we're here."

Neteyam looked up to see a beautiful thick oak door, as thick as the wood of Home tree, at least from what he's heard.

But it was dyed a deep black to blend in with the mountain side, upon touching the door, it glowed, leaving a short-lived bioluminescent hand print on the door as it unlocked.

Kolanan helped the young man inside as the door shut behind them.

The decor was crystalline and extravagant, but they did not reflect any of the light emitted from the oil lamps arpund the apartment, creating a once again dimly lit room.

"What is it with you guys and dimly lit rooms?" Neteyam chuckled slightly so as not to distrub the 100% broken rib poking his organs.

"What? It gives nice ambience, and we are used to the dark because of the mountains letting in less light, so dimly lit is how we like it."

"As long as you can see. I don't need you stitching my eye."

Kolanan rolled her eyes, "Do you not have biology lessons, Kanako people have 10x better eyesight than any other tribe, if you did have lessons you clearly didn't pay attention, which is no surprise considering you Omaticaya are too spiritual to know anything actually useful and scientific. One with the forest and all that tree hugger bullshit huh?"

"Why would we need to learn biology, you talk like a Skywalker."

"Intelligence can brew evil and arrogance, but that does not subtract the intelligence."

"You like their way of life?" Neteyam pulled back, slightly offended and taken aback.

Kolanan kissed her teeth, grabbing him and pushing him to a smooth amethyst crystalling table to sit on, "Of course not."

"But connecting with Eywa is tree hugger bullshit."

"You are so close minded, how do you think your father is as great as he is? Because he combined the wisdom of two worlds."

"No, my father learnt our way-"

"Your father can never forget his nature, his curious nature, it's what drives him, what brought him to Pandora in the first place, humans are curious about life, the way it works, that is not a bad thing."

"Mhmm." Neteyam looked her up and down before she shoved his head.

"Don't look at me like that, you know I'm right, searching for reasons and truth isn't a bad thing, isn't that why you came to find me?"

Neteyam opened his mouth to disagree but he couldn't, she was right.

"Now, enough politics, take off your necklaces so I can access your chest wound properly."

"You're a healer?"

"Yes, I'm trained in all fields but spirituality."

"No wonder you hate it then, it's because you haven't learnt it."

"Trust me, I have, just by myself."

"And no good has come from it?"

"No, it has only brought me an annoying Omaticaya boy and his alien problems." She side-eyed him, grabbing some herbs from her medical rack and walking over to him standing between his legs as she began to mix. Kolanan expected him to get offended as most boys in her tribe would, but he laughed instead.

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