Chapter 11: Matembo

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3rd pov:

It had been 2 months of scouting and meticulously planned attacks on the Skypeople, the tribes had to admit, they worked well together, and their advantage was increasing.

Neteyam and Kolanan were also succeeding with ease at keeping their relationship a secret, many were confused on how they felt about each other when they saw Neteyam fly in carrying her and crying his eyes out, but they quickly cleaned this up with the excuse that he was just in shock because she saved his life.

Speaking of which, this was also questioned so the two decided that they will tone down the meanness and make it look like they can tolerate each other, although keeping their eyes away from each other was difficult to say the least.

Every chance they got when in public they would pull one another into a private corner showering them in affection before slipping out of their hiding place like nothing happened.

There was an incident of body paint where the two realised after embracing that they had mixed their body paints, a couple of Matembo's friends walked in so Kolanan did the first thing she could think of and flipped Neteyam over her head onto the floor. Needless to say they thought the friends thought the two were just sparing, laughed at Neteyam, made fun of him a bit, then left.

She made his favourite meal that night to make up for it.

But as time went on, resisting the urge to mate was getting harder and harder, before they shared a bed and used to stay up talking as they lay in each others' arms, now Neteyam sleeps in the medical room and they talk using a cup telephone.

"I don't know how much longer I can do this for. It's starting to get physically painful Neteyam." The pair had seen the Tsahik after they both fell ill, instead of it being a common illness it turned out to be their bodies complaining, they both had chest pains but Kolanan was more subject to nausea whereas Neteyam had horrible migraines that were beginning to increase in frequency.

"I know believe me I know, I'll speak to my dad."

The answer was of course no, the two would have to deal with the consequences of staying together and not cutting the connection earlier and as Jake said, "I don't know about you but a headache seems better than getting my skull smashed in by Kokoam."

And to make matters even worse, time was ticking on the Matembo situation, Kokoam was forcing Kolanan to spend more and more time with Matembo, and it really pissed Neteyam off.

The way the bumbling idiot would sling his arm around her shoulder, walking with her around the village, all he did was talk, talk, talk, and it made Neteyam furious, his hands were all over her and he didn't like it one bit. The dumbass would talk about her so vulgarly to his friends, it wasn't heard to overhear when he had to go hunting with Matembo and his group. Neteyam was so close to putting an arrow between Matembo's eyes as he raved about Kolanan's figure and what he wanted to do with her as soon as they mated.

He was possessive to say the least, Neteyam always knew he was the jealous type, but when it came to Matembo he really had murder on his mind, he really thought about it sometimes, he planned it perfectly, if Matembo was gone, problem solved, but Neteyam realised Kokoam would marry Kolanan off to a rock before he let his bloodline be tainted by Neteyam.

And the worst part wasn't the touching, or the arrogance, or the vulgar talk acting like Kolanan was all his (as if that was an appropriate way to speak openly about someone you love, Neteyam keeps those thoughts to himself, he actually had respect for her unlike the useless oaf). No, the worst part was she had to go along with it.

Neteyam knew it made her miserable, he knew she hated Matembo's guts and just like him, dreamed or ripping them out. But when he saw his hand on her waist and her laughing and smiling with him, however fake it was, it just irked him, so. fucking. much.

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