Chapter 3: They're back

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3rd pov:

The animals of Pandora chirped at the rising sun, gently waking Kolanan from her deep slumber, a part of her wished the previous night was a dream, how did she do that? How did she save a boy hundreds of miles away from her in the middle of the reef.

Her head already began to ache from the weight of her thoughts so for now the girl brushed it off, deciding to distract herself with her training duties.

She was a teacher for younger Kanako children, but not the ABC 123 alphabet type, the 'how to throw a javelin without killing yourself' type.

She trained kids ages 13-18.

They were all promising, every Kanako Na'vi was built for fighting, little is known about them by other tribes a part from 3 rules.

1. Never go near their territory unless explicitly invited by the chief

2. Don't insult them, there's a joking myth that because they live in the tribes the Kanako can hear everything you say about them, even in the Ikran clan of the East.

3. Every Kanako are built and trained to be deadly weapons in all aspects, if you see one of them, run, and if you anger one of them, beg.

As you can tell, they don't get many visitors, Kolanan has been outside the mountains into the forest many times, but if she was ever caught she would be snatched back and given the whooping of her life.

However, just because no one knows much about them, doesn't mean they don't know about others, Kolanan was pretty well educated on all the clans, how to identify them.

But what she had always been most interested in is the first battle with the Sky people, despite their large ships and other worldly weapons, the Omaticaya still beat them and protected their spirit tree, even after losing their home.

It was truly admirable.

She often snuck out at night to visit the battle sight, she found recordings of the battles in large suits of armour, it let her see the soldiers final moments as a Na'vi warrior killed them. She kept a hidden collection in her house.

Her father never visited anyways, she was always expected to go to visit him, and she lived further away, deeper in the mountains for privacy, 20 year old Kanako men are perverts in her experience, none of them were gentlemen and truthfully she wanted someone like that, for once she didn't want to be expected to crawl through mud, she would like someone to carry her through it, or lay down a cloth so she could walk over it.

She wanted to be treated nicely.

But she would never get that, her father was firm on her mating with Matembo, the strongest Kanako male warrior, he was 35, which would be less icky if he was at least good looking or funny, but he was neither, he looked 60 and had no sense of humour, she hated Matembo and she resented her father's attempts at getting them together. He said he wanted the strongest grandchildren possible.

If her eyes wouldn't be torn out for doing so, Kolanan would have rolled her eyes at him.

In her thoughts of Matembo and the Omaticaya, Kolanan's mind couldn't help but drift back to Neteyam, he was her age, and undoubtedly handsome, she knew nothing of him personally but from their first encounter she could tell he was a bit of a romantic, there was not point fantasizing about him though, it would take a massive threat to the Kanako and Omaticaya clan for her father to even consider the two of them getting to know each other let alone mate.

And since the Omaticaya destroyed the Skypeople in their last battle they are ruled out-


An explosion sounded, shaking the mountainous earth beneath her feet, the sheer force of it knocking Kolanan onto her knees.

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