Chapter 14: Olu'ektan

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3rd pov:

The wind rattled through the chimes as the Sully family sat in the cave they had become so familiar with.

Neteyam and Kolanan held each other, recovering from what the hell just happened.

The family sat in silence before Tuk piped up, "So if Kolanan is Olu'ektan that means you guys can have an open relationship now right? No more hiding?"

"I guess so..." Neteyam said with relief and contentment as he looked back at Kolanan who had the same expression.



"But if they are mated Neteyam that means you have to be the next Tsahik-" Kiri pointed out.

"Absolutely not." The couple said at the same time.

"Why?" Kiri enquired.

"That is not my thing really, we will just choose someone else, I spent my whole life training to be chief, I know nothing of being a spiritual leader." Neteyam laughed slightly at the thought of him walking around with medicines and tales of the first songs, it just didn't really fit, he was a warrior through and through.

"But you both can't be chief." Lo'ak said.

"I know smartass, I'm still gonna be the chief of the Omaticaya." But Neteyam's confidence in his sentence audibly plummeted at the end, after everything he's done, all the direct orders he's disobeyed, he broke his father's trust, he argued with him, for once really argued with him, being the next chief didn't look so certain anymore.

Neteyam glanced over at his dad with a questioning stare, he wouldn't protest if Jake told him he decided against it.

But his father had a soft look in his eye, "Who else am I gonna make the next chief, Lo'ak?"

The family laughed at the thought of the wild boy suddenly having such a grave responsibility.

"Hey! I could be a good Olu'ektan..." But even Lo'ak couldn't lie to himself like that.

"Sure you could baby bro, maybe in another universe you are a mighty warrior shooting down and demon that comes your way." Neteyam smiled, reaching out and laying his hand on Lo'ak's head, rubbing a bit like he always did.

"In all seriousness Neteyam, I was less sure before than I am now, your disobedience is a reason you will make a good leader, you have shown me you have grown out of being a sheep, it was important for you to listen to me as a child, so I knew you were disciplined, but I was concerned you would never grow out of following me and trying to be like me. You have shown me you are ready, I'll still be here to help take off the training wheels and all, but quite frankly I'm ready for a break too. With Kolanan becoming Olu'ektan, I know it's early but maybe you should take the mantle now as well, unite our tribes for good." Jake nodded.

"You're only 45-"

"Hey, my soul might be but this body's 32, so I'm 32 kid." Jake interrupted, not wanting to admit his age.

"Ok, dad whatever you say, but even more so then, you're still young, we live until 160, I can take the mantle later."

"If we waited because of age you would be 70 something before you became Olu'ektan, I'll always be your dad, I'll always be Toruk Makto, I'll always be there to help, but it is time, the new generation needs to step up."

"Imagine Aonung been Olu'ektan." Lo'ak snickered, knowing the Metakayina boy would be useless and that his clan is in a bit of trouble if he doesn't step up soon.

"Are you sure dad?" Neteyam looked deep in his father's eyes for any sign of worry or remorse, but there was only peace.

"Yes son, or should I say, chief." Jake smiled, walking over to Neteyam who stood up too, embracing his father.

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