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"Bernie.... Bernie, Bernie!" Brian and Roger tried to shake her gently awake, but absolutely nothing could make her stir; she was in too deep a sleep to be awoken. "For God's sake..." they stood and watched her body remain stock still under the striped blanket as she continued to doze on the sofa.

"God knows what pain she'll be in when she wakes up, perhaps one of us should carry her over," Roger suggested, crossing his arms. Then would have been the perfect time for him to tell Brian about their budding romance, but he just couldn't bring himself to do it.

"Which one of us is stronger?" Both of the men stood and appraised each other's muscles and lack of them before bursting into laughter. "What a fucking joke," Brian wheezed, holding onto his knees for support as he laughed.

"It's obviously me-" Roger scoffed at the exact same time that Brian said "it's definitely not you."

Simultaneously, they stared each other down. Uh oh. "Look, we sleep in the same room, maybe I should carry her over," Roger suggested, secretly knowing that he was definitely stronger than the twigs that Brian was comprised of. One strong gust of wind and he'd he knocked straight over.

"Alright then," Brian agreed stiffly. Ever so gently, Bernie was scooped into Roger's arms bridal style, still wrapped cosily in the blanket. "Be careful."

"Look, I'm not gunna drop her Brian, but do shut up because it's not going to be pleasant waking up four feet off the ground."

"And in your arms," Brian chuckled, ducking his head as they passed through the door of the studio, locking it for the night securely behind them. Silently, Roger laughed at Brian's remark and felt a pang of guilt that Bernie and Roger's joint all time best friend had no idea of anything going on between them. Equally, he just couldn't bring himself to say anything about it.

Unfortunately, as Roger was carrying Bernie as precariously as he could up the creaky stairs to their room after parting ways with Brian, she stirred and made a low sound as she regained partial consciousness. "Hi Birdie," Roger whispered with a smile, peering down at her sleepy, half aware face in his arms. She looked so cosy.

"Mmmm, hey," she wriggled slightly as if to stretch before clutching her stomach, remembering the excruciating pain, not realising she was seemingly levitating.

"It's alright, it's alright, you'll be in bed again soon, go back to sleep," Roger tried to coax her back into sleeping for her own sake: she needed a solid rest and thought that once she was awake, she may not he able to get back to sleep. To her own advantage, she closed her eyes and nodded off again, which put Roger in a difficult situation. If he put her down into the cold bed then she'd possibly wake up again, but he couldn't just stand and hold her forever. He was hungry.

Eventually, he'd managed to put her in bed and keep her warm by holding her close under the duvet whilst she miraculously stayed asleep, before extricating himself from the bed and going downstairs to get some food. However, he still felt bad about leaving her there by herself, so made quick work of sorting out food before going back upstairs to tend to Bernie, even if she was just asleep.

"Is it just me," Freddie started to Brian and John once Roger had rushed off upstairs again, "or do Roger and Bernadette seem rather...close?"

John put his fork down and engaged in the conversation, sensing Brian's tension. "I bloody hope not, they're my best mates!" He huffed, feeling more alert than he did before. Brian had wondered about Roger and Bernie beforehand, but Freddie bringing it up too only made him more worried. But one of them would say something, wouldn't they? They wouldn't just leave Brian in the dark, he was their best mate?

"Brian... I'm not saying they are together or anything, but please just prepared for if something does happen between the two of them," John tried to brief Brian, but it was no use. Standing up, Brian slammed his hands down on the wooden dining table, startling John, and charged upstairs to find Bernie and Roger.

"Brian, no!" Freddie tried to stop him, but only halfheartedly as he wanted to watch this unfold. "C'mon Deaks, let's go watch," he chuckled, tailing behind Brian with John in on it too. Freddie did love a bit of drama.

"Rog. Berns." Brian opened the bedroom door without knocking and was met with Roger unbuttoning his shirt and Bernie sleeping soundly in bed.

"Shhhhh!" Roger put his finger to his lips and motioned for Brian to shut the door. "Bernie's sleeping." John and Freddie managed to creep in before Brian clicked the door shut quietly. "What is it, Bri? I was just about to get changed."

"In front of Bernie!?" Brian whisper-yelled.

"If you haven't noticed, she's asleep," quickly, Roger was losing patience and stood there, arms crossed with his shirt unbuttoned all the way, hanging loosely with his chest on display.

"Rog, is there something going on between you and Bernie?" Brian just came out with it, not mincing his words. Demeanour shifting, Roger stood uncomfortably on the spot and looked at Bernie's motionless body as she slept on. With an extremely brief call for alarm, he glanced at Freddie, who already knew there was something going on between the drummer and Bernie, purely out of his natural radar. Him and Roger had discussed it one evening, And Freddie had sworn to not utter a word about it to anybody, ever, but he did think it was about time the truth came out before things got ugly. Surely just nudging things along wouldn't hurt?

"Of course not! Don't be daft darling," Freddie tactfully interjected, but a little too loudly. Next to where John was standing, Bernie rolled over in the bed and opened her eyes fully, adjusting to the lights. She felt absolutely terrible: her cramps were still prominent but she could tell that they were subsiding and she had a dizzying headache. When she sat up, she freaked out at the sight of the entire band in her room and reeled back, hitting her head on the wooden headboard with a loud thump.

"Oops," John cringed, propping a pillow behind her head for her so she couldn't hit it again. "Hi Bernie. Did you sleep well?"

Still slightly groggy from sleep, she reached out for her glasses and pressed them onto her face, seeing the four men in full focus. It took everything in her for her eyes to skim over Roger and not linger on his open chest and stomach. "What the fuck are you all doing in here?" She demanded bossily. Although she wasn't feeling nor looking her best, her personality still shined through.

"Oh, right, sorry Bernadette, we were just leaving. Weren't we Deaks?" Freddie prodded John in the back, who coughed unnecessarily and immediately took the hint.

"Yes, we were, come on Brian, let's leave them in peace. Maybe Bernadette can go back to sleep. Bye!" Forcefully, Freddie ushered Brian out of the room, who was unable to protest. Before going downstairs, Freddie poked his head back through the door. "You're welcome," he quipped and slid out of the room. If it wasn't for him, that'd be game over for Bernie and Roger, who weren't sure what to call themselves. They'd kissed twice and, in Bernie's books, she couldn't call that a relationship.

Now that everybody else was gone, Bernie took the opportunity to stare at Roger's exposed skin shamelessly with a hint of a smirk. "I can see you staring, Birdie," he laughed, coming to sit on the edge of the bed.

"You were supposed to," she mused, smirk fully forming on her pale face. Stretching her arms out slightly, she slid the shirt off of Roger's body, discarding it on the floor and ran her hands over his smooth chest, feeling every groove of his torso under her fingers. He closed his eyes and savoured the feeling, wanting more so desperately.

After a few moments, she took her hands away from his body, leaned forwards to give him a short but heatedly memorable kiss on the lips before laying back down and pulling the duvet over her shoulders, ready to go back to sleep. "Can you close the curtains please," she whispered with a hint of laughter in her voice. She knew what she'd done and Roger did as she asked, proceeding to perch on the end of the bed, regaining self control before finishing getting changed.

"You tease," he tutted, leaving the room to go back downstairs for a beer.


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