Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Elle's POV

It's been a couple weeks. I think we can officially say we're good friends. But this is eating me alive. The urge to ask him everything resurfaces every single time I look at the hurt in his eyes. Every time I see a new mark on his skin, I wonder who it is doing this? In my mind I know it's his uncle. Who else? But I can't seem to believe it. I can't accept it.

Today seems like a day for his healing. Nothing new. But I can't help but think he's not safe. Sure he can fight, I've seen it before, but why isn't he defending himself?

I need a new plan. Obviously my last one got me in trouble. Well, just revealed a deadly secret I'm not supposed to know.

This is killing me.

C'mon, I tell myself, just ask!

I look at him, getting sick at the thought. I'm not nervous, just worried. Who knows what the answer will be if I ask?

We continue walking on the sand when I suggest talking about something. We converse about the usual things. Somehow I trip getting caught up in rambling about nonsense, and he catches me before I can actually hit the ground.

I'm not sure why, but it feels... Right. The way he just stares at me just... Oh man. I'm totally flipping out.

I nervously smile as he helps me upright.

"So?" I ask.

"So?" he replies.

"How are you?"

"I'm not too sure. Okay, I guess. You?"

"Confused," I answer. He shoots me a glance, asking what I mean. I continue. "I really don't know at all. I've been thinking a lot. You know?" He shrugs.

This may be getting difficult. Although I honestly have been thinking about this. I just don't want to take that step just yet. I know for sure he doesn't. Or do I? Or does he?

I stop and step in the water so it touches my bare feet. It chills my toes, making them curl and dig into the soft ground.

"If you need to talk, I'm here. You know that right?" he asks.

I nod.

"Oh, and Zayn?" I say.


"Think fast!" I call as I splash water in his face. He laughs for the first time. The sound is almost shocking to me. It's a perfect moment. I know now I've pulled him into a happier world for now. But nonetheless it makes me smile even bigger.

"Elle!" he says with a grin breaking through his expression. He splashes water at me in revenge, all the while laughing away.

He catches me from behind and grabs my sides.

"No! No!" I yell.

"Oh no. No. You're getting it," he replies. He finally lets me go and holds his hands on my waist. We catch each other's eyes, holding an intense kind of stare that is indescribable. The sensitive touch sends chills up my arms and electricity throughout my entire existence.

"I've got something to tell you," I say suddenly.

It slipped. I barely know where I'm going with this.

"I can play piano."

"Can you really?" he asks. I nod. "Do you still play?"

"Not since my, uhm... I just didn't want to. But you're the only person who knows other than my mum and family," I explain. He continues to watch me with his concerned look. I just want to tell him everything. But I can't yet. There's no way. "I'll show you," I add.

He doesn't say a word. He simply stares at me with those understanding yet pained and mysterious brown eyes.

Somehow, what happened a moment ago seems to have never existed. He doesn't show a second smile or any other sign of another emotion. He went back into his dark, quiet state of mind. That's what I'm trying to avoid.

We silently walk to my house. He seems distant as before. How will I ever bring him out of his shell? He's too timid around me. At this point, he should act like himself. But I guess this is himself.

My loose tank top flows as I open the door, reminding me how perfect summer really is. The warm breeze spills in the room as I open the window in front of the beautiful black piano in the room.

Zayn shyly stands in the family room, watching my every move. I sit on the wooden bench and take a deep breath.

This is the moment I've always dreaded- playing again. I know I'll make a mistake. Or maybe I won't.

I loosely tie my long hair to the side. I close my eyes and feel him sit beside me. I turn and see his face being my comforting sight. I'm so nervous to even sit here. Will I be okay?

He lifts the top and reveals the sleek, pure white and black keys I haven't touched in years. He gives me a reassuring grin.

"Play," he states softly.

I nod and gently place my fingers on the proper keys. I create the first notes, gradually making my way through the memorized song.

The sound of my beautiful music fills the once silent room. It feels different to do it this time. It doesn't feel right. Something's off about it all. And I know the exact reason why.

I finish, still feeling his eyes on me. I look to him for some sort of sign that I actually did good. It was my first time in at least... Seven years.

"Why did you ever stop, Elle? That was perfect," he says. I sigh, knowing he may or may not understand. He has the right to know. It's just up to me whether or not I want to say.

"I stopped when I was about eleven years old. My parents divorced then. I just never wanted to play after that. My mum would always ask me to since she said my playing always cheered her up. I refused. Sure I was a bit young but I understood everything. Believe it or not, I was a smart kid. I knew," I explain.

"I'm so sorry," he answers.

"Yeah? Well it's not your fault or anything. He was awful anyway. He treated us terribly."

He shakes his head as if saying, "People these days".

I notice his hand touch the dog-tag hanging around his neck. I see an M engraved on the front. I wonder what it means.

"Here's my question for you- Why do you wear that same necklace everyday?" I ask. The color in his face drains and his eyes widen a bit. He grips it tightly and freezes all movement. I'm afraid I asked the wrong question.

He finally sighs like I did. I watch as he regains himself and pulls his act together.

He thinks for a long time, thinking of a reply. I don't speak in case he needs to compose his words prior to telling. But I'm afraid it's a wrong memory to relive.

And so the life story of the boy who everyone cast aside was finally told to me by him.

Now I understand.

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