Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Zayn's POV

•A week later•

"You spend a lot of time with her, you know," Uncle Jack says.

I look up with heavy eyelids threatening to close. I'm so tired. I just can't sleep. I haven't for the past few days. Even when I do, it's a few hours here and there. It's probably because I've spent that time here. I can't just completely turn my back on him no matter how horribly he treats me. So I came back for a while.

"Yeah. I guess so," I answer. He seems somewhat compassionate. He sees my state of exhaustion and takes notice to it.

"Why aren't you acting the same?"

"I don't know," I mumble.

"It isn't right."

By then, I've laid my head on my arms, blocking out the light coming from the lamp beside me. I close my eyes and wonder why I can't sleep anymore. Something just doesn't feel right. I know that's got to be it. Right?

"Get some rest. You look pitiful. I've got some, uh, business to take care of. I'll be back," he says. The door closes with a slam and his truck rattles to life and pulls out of the drive. Finally some sort of peace and quiet.

I go upstairs to my room. My bed looks and feels so welcoming right now. But I know I should text Elle before I go to sleep. I sit on the edge of my mattress and text her goodnight. I wait a while. Strange. She's not answering. Maybe she's already sleeping. I suppose I shouldn't disturb her.

But something doesn't feel right. If something's happened or wrong, I won't forgive myself for letting it happen. It's just a peculiar feeling I have in the pit of my stomach. But sleep overcomes my thoughts for the moment.

I try to fight my drowsiness. It conquers my senses, allowing me to dream of a better life.


I wake up a few hours later to the sound of his drunken footsteps climbing up the stairs. He stumbles and falls, moaning in pain. I can't help but hold in a laugh. It's sometimes funny when he does that. But it may not be the most entertaining. My sense of humor has extensively varied since I'm still exhausted.

"I'm never going back there again," he says to himself. "It's not as fun anyways. It's getting to be too much."

What is he talking about? Where? Could he have done something... worse than I think? Surely not. I doubt it. Maybe something at a cheap club... No. He doesn't do that kind of thing. Or does he? It's surprising what I don't know about him. He's got so many different lives. You never know which is which.

But talking about "not as fun"? What's that all about? Maybe I'm just over thinking. This could be a dream for all I know.

I roll back over on my side and ignore his drunken comments for now. It's stupid anyway. But it's going to make sense one day. If my worst fears are right... I don't know what I'm going to do.


I call Elle as soon as I wake up, simply to check on her. I've been thinking about her since last night. I'm worried something's up with her. She's probably okay though.

She answers after a couple of rings. She sounds tired. "Hello?"

"Hey beautiful. Are you okay?"

"Yeah. Why?" she asks.

"Just wondering. Do you want to hang out today?"

"I-I can't. I, uhm, have chores to do," she stutters. This can't be good. She only does that when she's upset or nervous. What's making her this way?

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