"heights" , toya aoyagi

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Toya Aoyagi hates heights, through this blunt and seemingly stoic expression he hates the thought of looking down to see that his person is on top of the world.

Toya Aoyagi in fact hates rollercoasters too, the slow and loud heart beat booming loud to reach the tip of the rollercoaster just to fall so fast that you feel like he'll faint.

But, Toya Aoyagi does not hate (y/n). He thinks (y/n) is the most prettiest, brightest person alive to him, more than anything he wish could collect all the courage he could and tell his feelings to them.

Did I mention that he hated rollercoasters? Because him and VBS brought (y/n) along to Phoenix Wonderland to go on all the rides.

(y/n) loved big rollercoasters and so did An. So they hopped on every rollercoaster they could get and held hands, frantically shrieking at the drop.

"This is the last ride before we go, alright you two?" Akito scolds them, "Say 'okay' because you guys are definitely going to run to another ride."

"Yes sir.." (y/n) mumbles sarcastically, An chuckling and saying yes too. Toya really, really wanted to spend time with them. He barely got to hold one conversation with them due to them going on the things he hates most.

This time though, he mustered up all his courage and said, "An, let me go with them." "But Toya, aren't you afraid-" he put a hand against An's mouth, he stammered out, "I-I'm not."

Hopping on the ride with (y/n) the seatbelts and that heavy thing to keep you down donned on them both, the ride started.

"Toya-kun, aren't you scared of these types of things?" (y/n) asks, looking over at Toya with his frantic, sweating expression.

"I am, but I really wanted to tell you something." he says, his voice shaking a lot. "What is it?" (y/n) wanting to know so, so badly.

The ride comes to a stop at the peak of the ride, "I like you.." he mumbles. (y/n), not hearing him, says, "Huh?"

"I like you, (y/n)!" he yelled, loud. Maybe even louder than Tsukasa's screams.

"Huh?!" (y/n) shouts. The cart drops, screams erupt from others. Toya grabs onto their hand so tight, he looks like he's on the verge of tears.

At the end of the ride, Kohane and the others stand there. "Toya, you were so loud we could hear you all the way down here!" An says proudly.

"Yeah, it's true.." Kohane mutters. "It doesn't matter, I guess people know now that (y/n) is mine now.." Toya says, thinking about how loud he yelled.

"Uuwah!" Emu shouts, looking at the big rollercoaster she heard a voice erupt from, "Did you guys hear that?"

"Yeah.. That sounds like.." Nene says, sounding concerned. "Toya-kun!!" Tsukasa yells.

"Fufu, someone who seemed like blunt, stuck-up just confessed their love." Rui chuckles, placing a finger on his chin.

"Toya-kun is never that loud.." Tsukasa stares at the ride, slouching a bit. He was indeed a bit shocked, who would this special person be?

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