"to admire" , toya aoyagi

405 9 3

You were a fairly popular person in Kamiyama High School. It'd be weird if you didn't know who Y/N was.

You had an attractive personality, you were someone welcoming and warm. Looks and grades swiftly came alongside you as well.

So, why would someone so kind be so close to someone considered blunt and cold?

Toya Aoyagi was quite a slow, dumb kid. But he wasn't a bad one, for sure. You could clearly see that.

He liked you. "Not like that", he'd say to himself. And to Akito.

He enjoyed your presence. Your kind and warm smile, your voice, your eyes, your lips. Maybe he did like you a lot.

He liked the little things about you. When you guys first met, you were a lot more timid than he was. It was, cute?

And perhaps, you liked him just a tad bit. But you're sure of yourself that all the expensive gifts that he gets for you is just a good friend type of giving. All those times you see him with his chin resting on his hand while smiling so tenderly at you, with that content, softened expression.

It probably was nothing, you would assume.

Clearly, that's not the case at all when he upfront told you.

It was a cold, wintery day (I DONT CARE IF IT'S HOT). You were used to the warm weather from August but November hit like a storm. Quite literally. A snowstorm had started brewing up.

You were lucky enough to be wearing your winter uniform but you didn't bring a jacket. You stand at the school entrance, under the roof of the patio. Staring blankly at the snow falling and feeling the wind blow onto your skin.

What to do?

You were about to step out into the storm and run to your bus stop, in hopes you'll survive. Right before, you feel a light weight heave on your shoulders. A jacket?

You turn around to see the beholder to see none other than Toya. You give him a small smile, "Won't you also be cold?"

He simply shakes his head and gestures to a car, a nice one to add. "Would you like a ride home?" Toya suggests. His expression looks the same as usual, that neutral, stoic face. But he feels his insides turn and his heart warm just from seeing you, it's annoying somehow.

Your expressions brightens before you nod rapidly, "Yes, that would be great!" He smiles, his content smile that grows on his face whenever you catch a really good glimpse of him.

He guides you through the gusts of heavy winds to his car. He opens the door and lets you go in first before following behind.

You let out a heavy sigh as you sit down and buckle your seatbelt. It was nice feeling warm air hit your skin and warm you up.

You watch him tell his driver something, perhaps where to drive to. He lives quite far compared to you. It was nice that he added so much trouble just to bring you home, as you like to believe it.

The car ride was silent, not awkward. It was a comfortable silence, you liked it.

Once you reached your house, he walked you to your door to say goodbye. As you opened the door and said goodbye, you thought he was going to say something.

"..I like you." he mumbled incoherently. You couldn't hear him, you tilted your head in confusion. "Sorry? I didn't hear you.." you reply, leaning in closer.

He takes your hand and looks straight in your eye, something he wouldn't do. It was something he would take ages to muster up the courage to do so.

He says once more, "I like you."

Your eyes widen, you feel your cheeks flush pink. Suddenly, the cold brushes away as you are filled with warmth.

He looks at you, hoping for an answer and his grip on your hands (very gently) tightens. You simply nod your head, he continues to stare blankly at you.


You rapidly shake your head, "No! I mean.. yeah." You grumble to yourself, it's embarrassing just to say it. I wonder how he feels.

"I like you too.." you murmur, loud enough for him to say luckily. He smiles, it's not the soft smile. It's bright and toothy, you like it.

His hand cups your face, you feel his lips kiss yours. His heart feels warm, it's a weird feeling. He likes it.


i saw a cute guy at church and it turns out he was my crush in pre-k!!! 😀

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