"smile" , emu otori

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(y/n) was never the type to smile. Their stoic, bored expression seemed to always just be glued to their face. Even doing the things they loved, their lips were always left serious.

Once Rui introduced them to WonderShow, Emu Otori noticed their never ending serious expression. Her first words to (y/n) were, "I'll make you smile no matter what."

Those words did tug (y/n)'s lips just a little. Emu tried several times, going on rides with them (which only made them furrow their eyebrows and grit their teeth), tickling them or even just playing with their lips to see how they would smile.

Through all of this, (y/n)'s heart seemed to soften a bit and warm up to Emu. Just a little bit. Maybe just fell in love. Just a little bit.

And her being this close to (y/n)'s face did not help. She was playing around and tugging at their lips, (y/n) kept avoiding eye contact but Emu kept giggling and they found themself looking at her.

"Your lips are so soft! They're not dry at all!" Emu smiles at them, "You're so beautiful (y/n), hehe!". Even if Emu meant it as a joke, (y/n) couldn't help but their lips tugged into a smile. Just a little bit.

"You smiled!" she squeeled.

Tsukasa and the others rushed over to see, making (y/n) immediately stop. "Nooo! Again!" Emu shouts, her arms going under their forearms. She wraps her arms around their torso and pulls them in.

(y/n)'s heart has never beaten louder before, "Do it again!" she says, repeating it over and over. (y/n) tries once more but just ends up awkwardly showing their teeth, Emu can't help but laugh.

"Not like that! Like this, silly!" she says before smiling teethily. (y/n) chuckles, covering their lips.

For a brief moment she sees their smile, their true smile. It was beautiful. Her cheeks start hurting from smiling so hard, (y/n) liked her smile.

(y/n) also liked Emu.

this waas kinda bad

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