6. Past

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Mila POV

I woke up after taking some rest. Sid gave me some juice which was effective. He took care of me very well. Every time I try to forget him, but he always gives me a reason to stay in love with him. He is always making it hard for me. "Sid, I messaged Abhi. He is coming nearby. Thank you. I'll leave now" I started to move out

"Take care" he said

I walked down. I was moving to my apartment. Abhi came "Are you fine now?" he asked me with concern.

"Yep. Little dizzy. Now perfectly alright" I said

We both entered our apartment. "I guess, you forgot to fill in something?"

"What?" I asked him

"What's your deal with Sid?"

"He is my friend" I concluded

"Really?" he cornered me "I could smell some past with him". I wasn't answering to him. "If you don't want, it's fine"

"Nothing like that. Ok. I'll tell but you shouldn't judge me" I said

"Of course no. Your my friend"

"Years back. I came to Germany for semester exchange program when I was 24. Zittau is the smallest village in Germany. I wanted to live away from crowd. I met Gawtham. He helped me to settle in first few weeks in Germany. He introduced me to Sid. I was attracted to him on my first sight. Unfortunately, I came to know that, he is 2 years younger to me. He used to call me 'sister'" I chuckled at my memories.

"I started to hangout with Sid more. But, I wasn't interested in him. He had a girlfriend at that time. He was in a long-distance relationship. So, I don't want to complicate things. Also, I was about to stay only 6months in Germany. So, even if he was single, planning a relationship was difficult at that time. We were good friends. We used to go buy some groceries and cook most of the night and watch some random movies. We used to talk about relationship, life, movies but I never asked him anything personal. I wanted to respect his privacy. It was fun. Those were my best days of my life"

"One day, Gawtham called me for dinner. I went to his house. I saw almost 10 Indian students. I was taken a back. They were planning for a trip to Prague. Gawtham asked me to join them. I was anxious as usual. I was skeptical about the trip. I knew only two people in the group. Sid convinced me for the trip" I said

"What? You in a trip? I should learn from him. How did he convince your lazy ass?" he was surprised

"I have no idea why and how I accepted it. But, I want to have fun too. Afterall, I don't have much time in Germany. Fun part is, I wasn't even interested in Prague at that time. We all had fun for two days"


"I'm so tired. Why is my house so far from train station?" I was exhausted with the trip

"Why don't you stay in my place tonight. You can go to your room tomorrow. It's already 11.30" said Sid

Gawtham and everybody accepted it. They all knew, I was tired.

"Okay" I bid bye with others and went with Sid. We entered his room. I've spent lot of time in his home but never stayed a night.

"Do you wanna wash up?" he asked me

"I'm too exhausted. I'll sleep dude" saying that, I removed my lens. He washed himself and came back.

"Do you wanna eat something?" he asked me

"Nope" I said. He spreads futon nearby him for me. With no shame, I directly jumped to lay down

"I'm tired" I said

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