13. Scumbags

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It's been a week dating Richard. 

Am i happy? I don't know

Am i sad? I don't know. All i feel is guilty. 

I'm not cheating him but at the same time, i coldn't put the same effort Richard is putting in this relationship. I feel like cheating.

I received a call. I checked the ID it is Richard. I attended the call. "Are you free tonight?" Richard asked me. I need to breakup with him.

"Yes. I need to tell you something" i said

"yeah whatsup?" he asked me

"I want to tell in person" i said

"Cool. Then, we will meet tonight. Come to Deziclub by 7pm" he said

Things i hate the most is clubs, pubs, bar. I'm not comfortable around hundred's people just drinking and dancing

"Okay then" i said although i wasn't interested and hung the call. So, today will be the official breakup day. All i need to do is, tell him what i feel for real and come back.


I wore black cocktail dress with deep v neck, which ended 5inch above my knee. I curled my hair and applied my dark maroon lipstick.

I like dressing up for pubs but hate to go.

Finally, wore my stiletto. Checked the mirror. "You look great for someone who is going to breakup" said Abhishek

I glared at him and said "Ciao"

I took the bus and reached "Deziclub"

I called Richard, he picked up in few seconds "Hi Mila, have you reached?" he asked me

"Yep. I'm outside" i said

"Come in. I'm inside" he said

I went inside. 

I know, i can get inside, but all i need is a small gesture. He could've come out to pick me. Am i stupid to expect this?

I searched for him and saw him near a big group of guys. He was happily drinking and talking with them. My anxiety is start to alert all my nerves. I could feel heartbeat in all the nerves. I hate social gathering.  

I turned around to leave

"Mila" i heard Richard voice. I stopped in midway. I turned slowly "Come here" he said. I walked slowly there.

My hands are literally shaking. I never thought, he would invite these many people. How do i say, what i planned to say?

I went near him "hi " i said in small

He hugged me "meet my friends" he started to introduce all the people, who i know for sure, i'll never remember. I just nodded my head.

He was pushing my back to talk "Hello all! I'm Mila. Nice to see you all" i said. They all are already drunk including Richard. 

For some reason, i felt like i saw someone i know. It is possible because all my office collegue are almost kindof my neighbour.

I don't want anybody to see me like this

"i'll get you a drink" Richard said and left me with bunch of guys. 

"It's fine" i said

"no no wait here" he said and left

"hello" i said again

"So, how is it with Richard?" asked one tall guy. Almost everybody is taller than me

"He is fine" i said

"How about he in bed" he winked at me "his ex would brag about him always"

"I don't know what you are talking about, anyway i'm not interested on that" i said

"Oh! you must be virgin" another guy insulted me

"If you're planning to insult me, it's not working" i said

"Stop it guys. You are not supposed to talk like that" said another guy placing his hand on my back. I'm scared now

I don't know how to react. They started to talk in german. The guy started to move his hand up and down. I moved forward but he wasn't stopping. Where the fuck is Richard now?

 "Could you please take your hands off?" i asked him

"Ohhh! You look sexy when you're angry. Can i have your number please?" he said irritating me

"No" i said and started to walk away. He pulled me. "I'm sorry. I'm not interested"

"Richard went to get a drink. Wait till then" another scumbag

I didn't listen and walked away, only to get tripped down by a leg. Classic Mila. Tripped by my own leg. Who is my worst enemy? It's me.

Before i could stop myself from breaking my face, a hand touched me. It's that scumbag. He pressed my breast to lift me. I'm disgusted now. I started to feel drowsy. I wanted to slap him but i'm scared. I pushed him. I started to breathe in and out faster. Everything was suffocating.

"Stop it" said Sid. I don't have time to think why he is here. "Behandelt man so eine Frau? Ich kann nicht glauben, dass ihr Richards Freund seid (Is this how you treat a women? I can't believe you guys are Richard's friend)" he said something in German. My brain stopped working long back. 

I started to walk out. I shouldn't have come here. "Mila. Stop" Sid said

I wasn't in the mood to stop. Was i harrased now? I can't believe

Richard pulled my arm. "Stop! I'm sorry" he said

I pushed his hand

"Shut up" I said

Sid stopped me now. "Wait" he said. I stopped "Are you okay?" he asked me. 

I looked at his eyes. My tears were struggling to come out

"Sid, why are you here?" I asked him. I'm embarrassed to see him

He hugged me. My tears are free now

I hid my face inside his shirt

He patted my head

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