Misunderstanding (Part 2)

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V glared at that person held his cheek.

"How dare you cheat on us huh? After all this! Why the hell-- how could you?!" Felix yelled as they all looked at him.

"What? No, our baby can't do this to us!" Jungkook yelled.

"Well he did! Come on, ask him," Felix said.

"Wait, where is our baby?" Namjoon asked and looked at V.

"Taehyung, where is our baby?" Lee Know asked worried.

"Answer us! What happened?" Bang Chan said.

"Did you gave that man our baby?" Felix asked.

"What?" Jihoon asked.

"Which man? What is he talking about?" Namjoon asked.

"Ask him, he know. Did you?" Felix asked.

"Hey babe--"

Taehyung said and enter in. All of them looked shocked at him and then back at V.

"Baby?" Jungkook asked and start walking towards him.

"It's really you," Jungkook finished as Taehyung looked shocked at him.

"What are you talking about? It is me--omg! What happened to you?" Taehyung asked and looked at his hyung's cheek.

"Wait, if this is our baby, who's this?" Yoongi asked.

"Your so called 'boyfriends' did this taehyung," V said with his deep voice making others shocked.

"What? Why?" Taehyung asked shocked and looked at his boyfriends.

"Well, they thought that you cheated on them," V said as Taehyung became more shocked.

"What? How? Why did you think about it? I could never cheat on you guys!" Taehyung said.

"Omg, baby, we're so sorry," Chanyeol said.

"How could you?!" Taehyung yelled at them while tears were falling on his cheeks.

They stayed quiet not knowing what to say. V chuckled and turned to his brother.

"Let's go," V said and put his hand on his brother's back.

"Baby please--where are y-you going?" Hoseok asked.

"Far from you!" Taehyung yelled and closed the door angrily.

They all inhaled deeply and sighed. Tears started falling from their eyes knowing that they sc*ewed up.

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