Chapter 5

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"Prepare to eat my dust Tiny Dog! I've been playing this game all my life!" Snowball declared as he stretched. Running in place, he continued bragging, "I'm the best there ever was. I'm the reigning champion of Home Before Dinner!"

"Snowball, for once can you shut up?!" Max barked angrily. Pulling the Jack Russell terrier away from the white rabbit, Gidget murmured, "Don't let him get into your head Maxie, he will get what's coming to him one day soon."

"I can't believe I'm doing this," Daisy murmured. Stretching her legs out, the Shih Tzu sighed heavily and mumbled, "I just hope I can find my way home. It's a big city out there."

"Buddy, I'm scared. I don't want to be hunted alive," Mel whimpered. Patting his best friend on the back reassuringly, Buddy murmured, "I know man, I know. I don't like this either. But we can do it, we can make it home. Together."

"Oh great spirits from the Tribe of the Heavenly Stars," Tiberius prayed, gazing up at the skies above, "I don't know if any of you are listening to me right now. Frankly, I know you don't give a crap about me, you never did. But for once, just listen to me and strike the rabbit down with a bolt of lightning. Please, I beg of you."

"I know I know," Duke whispered to his stomach. It wouldn't stop growling at him. And he knew he couldn't do anything about it, he was hungry. Shuffling his paws, the Newfoundland mix muttered, "I'll find something to eat, don't worry."

"I'm going to die," Chloe meowed, "I'm going to die a horrible death."

"It's time everyone!" Snowball announced, "Let's go!"

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