month 5

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month five: the first greeting

seokjin came in late, and byulyi was starting to have more absences due to her pregnancy and delivery date getting nearer.

and to no surprises, seokjin had came home with byulyi already sleeping.

he had realized that when the fourth month started kicking in, with the bump slowly showing as well, byulyi had became more sickly, more whiney- tired, and hungry.

there would be times when they'll be awake by three in the morning, eating whatever she would wish for, or sometimes- she'd be crying about how sorry she was for disturbing his sleep, and always wondering if he would leave her.

it was the complete opposite of how byulyi was, and it would be a lie to say that it wasn't a struggle for him to play along the lines on how well byulyi would be each day. but he knew that she'll always have it worse- and he'll only have sleepless nights. 

she'll have back pains, swelling, hormonal imbalances, tears, and even physical problems- the worse thing that could ever happen to him was just staying up all night and running errands for whatever she needed- nothing else. 

so being sensitive more than what they were during the relationship was something that he had avoided. playful jokes, harmless bickering- those were crossed off from his list now knowing how it can affect her mentally even if she didn't want it. 

but now, he can sometimes forget that he can also grow tired, now realizing that he has a mild fever after their meeting, deciding to just sleep out the tiredness after drinking some medicine in the counter.

he takes a short look at the clock; 11:49 PM.

it was a time that wasn't late for them back then, but now- it's now late as ever, making him sigh softly, washing up to prepare for bed- as well as preparing himself to get up if byulyi ever does.

even if it's quite hard to adjust with this life starting for the both of them who will have it the first time, jin will only draw a small smile each time he'll see her- always going back to his joy and excitement of a new chapter for the both of them.

yawning softly, seokjin could only slip besides her in the bed, cuddling to the two of his loved ones, smiling at the feeling of her baby bump getting bigger, wishing he could feel it some time, sooner.


1:38 AM.

seokjin heard some noises outside the room, making him frown and crack his eyes open, seeing the dim light through the opened door being open, as he flinches when he felt a wet towel on his forehead, making him cough softly- now sitting up.

where is byulyi?

feeling the heaviness of his body, seokjin could only ignore it momentarily- deciding to look over her, wondering what made her get up without telling him.

but to his surprise, as soon as he had opened the door further, he saw his girlfriend sitting down the floor, facing the living room's wall as she was starting to paste toddler charts.

alphabet ones, numbers, cartoonized animals and fruits... everything was slowly filling up the wall as his eyes softened, seeing byulyi whom was back-facing him silently pasting another toddler chart, making him smile big, almost forgetting his muscle aches.

but he couldn't stay idle for long, byulyi was quick to feel his presence, turning to him quickly while adorably biting into a peanut-butter sandwich, doe-shaped eyes wide in noticing him.

he smiles bigger.

"you're awake, why?" byulyi pulls the sandwich away from her mouth, lowering it down her plate alongside with a tangerine beside him, as seokjin muttered. "what are you doing in the middle of the night..." 

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