month 1

751 63 16

month 1: are you gonna cry?

"why are you spacing out?"

seokjin asks her, now driving into the doctor's place, as byulyi licks her dry lips, inhaling- exhaling, looking at him. "i'm... quite nervous, what to do?" 

he lets out a small smile, whispering back. "it's okay, we'll see the end after this consultation- then we'll figure out what we can do next." 

she replied with a careful smile, now crossing her cold arms, thanking that seokjin's the one acting rational between them, knowing that she's not been able to think properly for days about this.

if seokjin is also in the emotional state with her, she's not so sure how she'll handle this situation now.

her mind is filled with the worries about her members, agency, and fans- but she's rather thinking about her health right now too, since nothing is no longer impossible when everybody is already aware of her current relationship state.

it was such a good thing that seokjin is indeed with her right now.

"you won't run away after this, right?" she asks him, seeing him roll his eyes, telling her. "might as well get a cuff now." he saw her snort, shaking her head before lowering her hand in her tummy, whispering softly.

"is that... why i'm getting oddly bloated these days...?" she lowers her eyes down to it, pinching it softly that made him grin at the adorable view- now sinking in his mind to feel so joyful and fulfilled if a little jin or byulyi would ever come to his view right after the peak of his career.

that would feel like a huge gift for him now.

"how are you feeling when you woke up, though?" he asks her, catching her attention. "uh... quite sick, but i'm not that feeling harshly nauseous like the first few days."

he nodded, before whispering. "good."

the two of them finally reached the place, as seokjin murmured, "oh, we're here now." 

hopping off the car and entering the clinic as fast as they could, the two had finally reached the admission office.

"how could i help you?" the secretary asks, smiling softly at the two, as byulyi whispers. "we're here for an appointment with miss kim in the ob-gyn, are we free to line-up now?" she asks her, seeing her smile kindly in reply, nodding.

"she's actually free at the very moment! you can go." she tells them, as byulyi and seokjin thanked her kindly, now heading into the office.


"miss kim."

miss kim heard the resident's voice in a whispering manner, her eyes growing wide to look up. "yes?"

"our celebrity couple is here." he whispers playfully, as miss kim laughed, shaking her head. "okay, tell them to get in now." she tells him, only for him to smile. "how did you get them consulting you, miss kim?" he asks her, about to leave the room.

"his sister-in-law is my patient, too." she tells him, seeing his eyes grow wide, nodding out of interest, now opening the door to welcome the two.

seokjin was the first to poke his head, seeing miss kim- as she smiles immediately, lowering her mask to greet them. "come in, quick!" she tells them, seeing seokjin dragging byulyi right behind him, holding her hand tightly, making her smile big.

they are indeed adorable together.

"nice to see you again! with your pretty girlfriend this time." she chuckles, as seokjin smiled, with byulyi bowing down immediately. "it's been a while, right?" he laughs, only for them to be offered a seat in front of her.

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