welcoming the 4.22 kid

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"i don't think she'd like it if we're all there." 

yongsun whispers, arms crossed- looking at the rest of their members and jin's, while talking about visiting byulyi in the hospital. "i know, it will be overwhelming." wheein scratches her cheek, turning to his members.

"oh... right, but i think we should visit after a day- or two?" taehyung tells them, arms crossed.

"yah, hyung- what do you think?" namjoon asks seokjin through the phone, since the couple is already checked inside the hospital, waiting for her delivery to come. 

"mm, maybe a day or two after her delivery." seokjin whispers, looking over byulyi whom was listening, raising both of her brows to ask about their decisions.

"i said- a day or two, so you can rest." seokjin tells byulyi, seeing her chuckle and nod slowly. "mm, tell them to bring a gift though..."

hearing it, yongsun then laughed. "yah- you never really change!"

"you need to bring a gift for eunbyul, not for me unnie- so stop complaining." byulyi argues softly, only for seokjin and everyone to laugh. "yah, i'll hang up now, byulyi's parents are coming over in a bit, they just ate lunch." he tells them, only for namjoon to laugh.

"arasso, have a safe delivery noona!" the boys yelled. "unnie, take good care." the girls called.

the conversation went on for a few minutes, accepting their blessings, before hanging up.

"yah... they never lose energy..." byulyi whispers softly, seeing him set his phone aside, as he grins, yawning softly. "still feeling tight?" he asks her, as byulyi smiles softly. "ani... it's been painful for a whole day... yet it's not yet peeking." 

seokjin chuckles with her choice of words, taking her hand to squeeze it softly, kissing her knuckles. "i'll be there in the room, would you mind?" he asks her, seeing her smile and whisper. "aniyo... i'd like you there, i'd feel better..."

he nodded, sighing softly. "i hope it doesn't get too painful when eunbyul gets out." he tells her, only for byulyi to scrunch her nose. "eunbyul is... a very... energetic... child." she giggles, squeezing his hand, adding. "she's been struggling to get out- but she still won't." 

seokjin laughs, shaking his head before sighing- rubbing her tummy.

as much as seokjin didn't want to let worry consume his mind, he can't help but not sleep today- almost having a fever, worrying as soon as everybody had a false-alarm last night that her delivery will come through- now waiting for another time until she started giving birth.

but none. there was none yet.

"yah... you need to get some rest after this..." byulyi whispers softly, carefully caressing seokjin's head, hearing him chuckle before muttering. "i'm resting better than you did for the whole ninth months, baby." he murmured, seeing her smile- grimacing a little with the aching in her body. 

"really." she whispers, hearing him chuckle before he replies. "you think you could sleep before we could see for later, again?" he asks her, as byulyi purses her lips, answering. "i... don't think i could, though?"

smiling softly, jin could only nervously draw a smile, nodding slowly- about to rest his head on the edge of the bed.

until he heard a sharp squeal.

he felt her hand squeezing his own tightly, seeing her eyes growing wide before she grimaces- his eyes also widening as he stood up, whispering. "why?"

"i..." byulyi's face started twisting out of pain, mouth parting open. "i think it's happening... jin-ah-" she inhales sharply, almost arching her back as soon as the pain started expanding.

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