month 8

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month eight: the right person

the cycle of continuous wonder on how a good parenting would be never ended with the two. byulyi's strength had started declining, spending most of the time in the bed and couch now that her bump is bigger than before.

the news of their status right now has also been declared in news outlets, and the couple had garnered positive reactions from their fans, friends, and even casual industry workers. it was a funny matter- both had been receiving gifts from their fans for their child now, and it was something that they had already expected from their fanbases, thanking them wholeheartedly.

some were raising criticism for not having a conventional marriage first, yet some were contradicting that not all marriages seal a good family- and that they will do well.

despite it all, nothing was meant to break them apart.

"this is already the eighth month..."


"what are you planning about?" byulyi's mom asks, as both of their parents are now in seokjin's house, talking about their plans before birth. "we'll have to visit miss kim first in the ninth month to see if it's already fine for us to check in if there are already contractions."

"what are you feeling, byulie?" seokjin's mom had asked, turning to her- as byulyi scrunches her nose, murmuring. "it's getting heavier in the pelvic area, i think i'm close as soon as the ninth month enters."

she received a gentle smile from them, as she heard her mom whisper. "are you fine staying over the hospital for more than a day- if the due date gets nearer?"

byulyi then remained silent, before whispering. "i'm thoroughly fine with it... i think i'll be at peace knowing that the medical staff is there."

"mm, we just had to go for a private room to help byulyi, then." seokjin whispers, hearing them agreeing.

the conversation continues, until seokjin had felt that byulyi has been yawning once more, resting her chin into the couch's cushion, listening unattentively with their parents, making him chuckle softly, holding her head gently as he motioned her to rest on his shoulder, with her obliging while closing her eyes.

"aigoo." seokjin's dad notices byulyi already, making everyone stop. "our byulyi is already tired, what do we do?"

byulyi lets out a weak giggle, whispering. "ani... appa... it's just... the baby... dozing off." she murmurs softly, opening her eyes once again. "it's funny because- back then, byulyi was always the one bugging me whenever she's free." her mom tells everyone, as byulyi snorts, embarrassingly snuggling her head on jin's shoulder.

"but when i was calling her now- she'd either hang up on me, or cry about how noisy i am." she murmurs, hearing everyone laugh.

"but i do understand, i was worse when i was pregnant." her mom added, as her dad added. "ah geure, does byulyi ever throw things at you?" he asks seokjin, only for jin to chuckle, shaking his head.

"not really appa, she just... " he turns to byulyi, only to laugh when she pinched his back subtly. "screams- yeah, she screams."

they all laughed.

"she does throw things at me- telling me to have a divorce!" he yelled, only for jin's father to yelp with a laugh. "oh, i do understand- listen jin, your mom... might look all calm-" he tells jin, before hearing her scowl.

"she's not."

laughter filled the whole house with their family and them, now discussing every thing that they could to ease byulyi's nervous air and momentarily loneliness each time, asking them what's their future plan after the birth.

"oh, i forgot one thing." byulyi's dad tells them, as the couple looks at him out of curiosity.

"what are you going to name the little princess? it's been eight months already." he tells them, as the two remained silent for a moment, before seokjin chuckles softly, mumbling.


silence emerged from them, in awe of the name, crossing their arms before collectively agreeing.

"eunbyul is a pretty name."


right after meeting their parents, seokjin had to settle his deal with his agency about the hiatus that he's going to request for, leaving byulyi for a while.

seokjin then curiously peers over the basket in the kitchen counter as soon as he heads home after wrapping up his deal for hiatus now that everything has been officiated, knowing that she's already asleep.

"is this another delivery?" he whispers, taking a peek over byulyi whom was already asleep, in a position that made him chuckle- knowing that it's something that means-

no longer waking up until morning.

shaking his head for a moment, he then opened the basket to see a package of his favorite cake, paired with a letter beside the box as he opens it curiously, wondering who the sender is.

but as soon as he had opened it, he unexpectedly chokes on his own tears.


i never had the chance to thank you in person- since i've spent my days with you all whiney, stressed- and problematic. well, i had the chance to order your one-of-a-kind cake last night through omma and gladly they're back in stock.

i was waiting for you to get home but... your daughter, this kid, is already begging to sleep early so... i just left a letter while she's not yet berserk. :p

jin-ah, i would no longer say sorry since you told me not to, and i know i should also not. so i'll just say thank you, and i'm glad that i've waited years for the right person-

and right father to my child, since it's once in a lifetime.

love u, don't stay up too late, 

jin-appa. :)

seokjin then sat for a moment in the kitchen counter after reading the letter, clenching his jaw to not to cry after it all, gulping the lump in his throat that was forming.

it felt like every single day of adjustments and worries for the both of them had immediately faded, just with her words written out of heart. he knew that he couldn't do anything to ease her self-blaming whenever she needs him, and she couldn't help but feel that way with how she's carrying their child.

and it's both hard- even harder to keep the mentality of strength when they are still learning.

it wasn't a part of what they expected when the news of the pregnancy came.

despite the joy, anticipations- there were unexpected sleepless nights and useless fights, tears, and exhaustion.

but if they would ever go back, nothing will still change.

so seokjin wasn't able to suppress his tears, now sinking alone within' the counter, bathing in his own emotions that he had to hide for a few months now, feeling the comfort and hug from byulyi that she had tried hard to give despite her own struggling right now.

and maybe this was it- something that he haven't expected.

but had always wanted.

now deciding to wipe his tears- without even washing up- filled with emotions, seokjin had quickly took his coat off, quickly heading into the bed to immediately embrace byulyi, his hand carefully sliding into her tummy, now embracing the two of the precious princesses in his life.

feeling a gentle kick as an acknowledgement of his presence, seokjin could only grin and ignore his tears, snuggling on byulyi's back to thank her.

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