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August 29th, 1850

Lady Lesso, the revered Dean of Evil, was always a stoic woman by nature. Nothing could crack this, not even when knives were thrown at her head. Anyone who tried to break her down would be punished, and on thin ice for god knows how long, which god? She doesn't know. (Yay! More Pagan Jokes! LOL). Many have tried, but all have failed. Some have started rumors that she abused her students and that she was a "cruel mistress". She was a bit concerned when The Schoolmaster approached her about the rumor and she almost lost her job. She had never done such things and the whole thing was started by a rival teacher Evelyn Sader. She knew what made Leonora tick, and She also knows about how she sneaks off of school grounds to see her "son" twice a month. Leonora ignored every accusation made by them, treated all of her students with respect, and rarely raised her voice to them alone. All the while Evelyn was yanking them by their wrists, screaming at them, and beating them to the point where they ran back to Leonora for help and security. Leonora had enough of Evelyn's shtick and habits, and the students needed an escape.
           A long while after, she saved an ever girl from Evelyn's wrath, She had accidentally tapped on the shoulder, and Evelyn wasn't having it. Evelyn started calling the girl every name in the book, shouting about how rude she was being. The Poor girl ran up to the other Dean of Evil and explained the situation. Leonora was very sympathetic, and let her stay by her rather than send her off to the Dean for Good. Professor Dovey was a "forgive and forget" type, a "kill them with kindness" supporter, All the while Leonora was an  "I'd rather die than let everyone else suffer" she is not afraid to fight for what she believes in, that being the safety of family, and this school was her family. She huddle the poor girl close to her chest, and she successfully calmed her down. Evelyn, however, had different plans, "My! How evil of you Lesso, to comfort a child rather than scaring it more? why do you keep acting so GOOD?" She snapped. "Ok, Ek maak 'n einde aan hierdie teef" Leonora murmured under her breath.
            Leonora shooed the ever girl back with the dean of good and approached Evelyn, Her Grey-Green eyes staring into the witch's soul, slowly shifting to a lighter grey. "Oh please! is that all you got?" "Of course not, Teef, but in a game of chess white goes first" Leonora sneered, pushing her back with the top of her cane. In a fit of rage, Evelyn punched Leonora in the eye, causing Leonora to stumble a little on impact. "Okay... If I die whilst we're fighting, at least I'll go to Valhalla" Leonora whispered under her breath. "Don't act all 'High-n-mighty' Evelyn, I've seen firsthand all of the kak you've pulled" Leonora growled. Evelyn took multiple swings at her, and Leonora took no physical action. Just as things got heated, The Schoolmaster burst into the room, "Ladies!! Stop fighting at once!!" He yelled, making Leonora jump a little. "Dank die fokken gode" Leonora sighed, slipping out of consciousness for a few seconds. "Schoolmaster! I-I can explain!! She attacked me first!!" Evelyn pleaded. Before anyone could get another word in, Thunk! Click-Click! Leonora was down, unconscious. "Enough has been said, Professor Sader! The physical harm you've done to both students and fellow faculty is very unprofessional! Leave at once!" He yells. "Professor Dovey, please check on Lady Lesso at once, Please, Make sure she is still alive," He asked. "Of course," Clarissa responded, carefully walking up to the seemingly lifeless body on the ground. Leonora looked up at her, "D-Dovey, I tried, I-I did what I could" She whispered in a tired haze. "I know, and you did wonderfully" Clarissa whispered in response. And with that, she fades back to unconsciousness, her hands tensed in odd positions. Two ever girls snuck down from the stands, one of which was the girl Leonora rescued before. They both sat on either side, "I think she's concussed" one girl finally blurted out. Clarissa looked at her strangely, "and what has brought you to that conclusion, Eliana?". "You see her hands? They're tensed up, a clear sign of head trauma" Eliana explained, they both stare at her "What?! My brother trained me in medicine, and my sister is an Apothecary." She whispered. "Well, what do you suggest we do?" Clarissa asked, "Take her to her chambers, Keep the lights off, and the drapes closed, and Don't Let Her Leave". The other ever girl stood up, "Schoolmaster" She declared. "Well, How is she?" He responds in half-fasted concern. Beatrix looked back down at Eliana who nodded up to her, "She is in critical condition, Severe Concussion" she declared, and everyone gasped. "It takes about 3 weeks to clear up if I'm not mistaken," Beatrix continued, looking down at Eliana as she gave her a thumbs up. "No Light, No Motion, Plenty of Rest, and I'd doubt she'd be able to eat for 2 weeks" Beatrix finished, very proud of herself. They took Leonora back to her chambers, and classes were canceled for that day.

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