His Butler: A Dance

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Sebastians pov ~

I began the music for the dance lesson, eager to get my hands on my master. I have waited all day for this, he on the other hand, was not as excited.

"Can we get this over with, Sebastian" My lord broke me out of my thoughts. "As you wish, my young lord", I replied with a bow. Before my master knew what hit him, I was inches away from his face. Chest to chest, my hands on his hips and his struggling to reach around my neck.

He seemed to flinch slightly when I grabbed his waist, which was unusual for him- but I brushed it off.

After 30 minutes of practicing, the earl looked disheveled. Tiny beads of sweat dripped from his forehead and his hair was a mess. "Would you like me to remove your coat, Lord.?"

I questioned, hoping the answer would be yes. In his overheated state he agreed and was left in his pants and slightly too small undershirt.

We continues to dance, on our last round. I saw a bit of blue peaking out from under my masters shirt.

I could have sworn he didnt own any blue undergarments, and even if he did, I did not dress him in any this morning. Confused, I raised his shirt slightly.

What I was was the most heavily sight I have ever layed eyes on. Not that that means a lot coming from someone whos first words were spoken to satan. Nevertheless, the image in front of me made my eyes glow blood red.

My masters white, smooth skin was being hugged by blue lace. I could only see the top of the panties under his shirt, but I longed to see the entire picture.

"What do we have here, my lord" I asked with a knowing smirk on my face. He appeared frozen and at a loss for words. I took this chance to slither behind him, my mouth on his ear as I spoke, "Where ever did you find such undergarments".

I felt him tremble, but he still remained silent as I snaked a white gloved hand around his waste. I toyed with the silk fabric, my hot breath still stinging my masters ear.

I wished he would melt into my arms. Let me lay him across the piano and have my way with him. Soon enough I hoped.

"I havent any idea what you're saying" The earl finally replied, as he ran from the ballroom. I was going to chase after him, but I felt he might need some time to cool down.

Take as much time as you need my lord, I will be waiting.

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