His Butler: A game

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Sebastians pov~

I decided not to allow the earl to know that I knew his secret. I wanted to have a bit more fun with him before it was time to rest.
"My lord, it seems we have received a few more documents requiring your signature before you retire for the evening" I stated.

No we didn't. But I could find some.

"Honestly?" My master questioned me with a sigh. "Very well, I am tierd, make this quick" He finished.

I don't intend to. I dressed my young lord and swept him off his feet, carrying him bridal style.

"Just what do you think you're doing" He almost shouted. Hiding my smirk, I replied, "You're tired master, I shall carry you to your study". The earl answered with an eye roll and irritated expression but I was very pleased.

On our walk to the study I took a moment to appreciate his beautiful features. Like a porcelain doll, he was simply perfect. Too bad I wanted to make him dirty. Mess up his hair, make him sweat, shake, scream and beg his butler for more.

We arrived at his study and I put my plan into action. I sat in his work chair, still holding him, and placed him on my lap. Precisely so the toy up his butt was inline with my cock. I felt him shiver.

He gave me a blank stare for seating him on my lap and shakily said, "lets g-get this o-over with". I pretended to shuffle around some drawers 'looking for a documents' while moving my hips with my body to stimulate him.

I felt his body jolt, I continued, he arched his back slightly. Nothing was more arousing to me than my lord in this very moment.

The way he slightly shut his eyes, the blush that crept across his cheeks and the vein the popped from his neck and he tried to keep his secret. The idea that I was indirectly stimulating him made almost made me snap.

As I finished my pretend search, I sat up straight again, thrusting my cock ever so slightly with the rest of my body. At that moment I saw my lord bite his tongue and squeeze his eyes shut. I peered over his lap- being careful that he didn't notice me- to see a stain in the front of his night attire.

That sweet, sticky stain. I wanted to taste it more than anything. I couldn't let him know I knew what just happened, the embarrassment would be far too much for him to bare. Instead, I grabbed a paper and set it in front of him.

"Here you are, My lord, only one simple signature", I smiled.

I was surprised. There was no hasty comment about me taking too long. No protest to get off my lab. No attitude at all, he simply signed the paper.

It seemed he was regaining his composure because after a few moments he turned to face me. "I am ready for bed. Now, Sebastian" he spoke. His tone was demanding, but not as mean as usual. So that must be the trick. One orgasm and hes the sweet boy he should be. I'll have to remember that.

"Yes, my lord", I replied. He did not allow my carry him any longer and so I followed him to his bedroom. I tucked the blankets around his small frame, took my bow, and exited the room.

In the hallway, I stood for a moment, pondering the situation. The earl Phantomhive has made me a pawn in many of his games, this one is my favorite.

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