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He released my lips and my face. "Goodnight." He whispered to me. He then went over to his bunk and went to sleep.

I fell asleep, reluctantly. If I was in better condition, I would've gone to Carl, craving more kisses, but I felt too limp to move.


I woke up in the morning, feeling better. I could feel the scabs starting to develop and the bleeding had stopped.

I stay up slowly, my whole body ached. I walked slowly down to the main room, everyone was silent as I walked in. Carol and Lori enclosed me in a giant hug. It hurt, but I didn't mind the pain.

I moved to sit next to Carl, but he stood up when I planted myself. "I have chores to finish." He said, rushing off, I'm guess toward the laundry room.

My eyes followed him, concern draped on my face "Don't worry, he's just grumpy today." Rick said, trying to comfort me.

Daryl handed me a cup of water and a small plate of food. I ate it, then Lori directed me to the laundry room where Carl was.

I walked in the room. Carl looked at me, then his eyes darted back to Daryl vest that he was washing. Lori took a piece of clothing out of the basket and wet it down. "Shoot!" She said. "I forgot my brush. I'll be back." She then took off walking toward the cells.

"Hey." I said, smiling at Carl.

He didn't reply.

"Is something wrong...?" I asked him after a few moments of silence.

"Horribly." He replied.

"What's wrong?" I asked him.

"You." He said, a look of confusion covered my face. "You being here. We're friends, Brooke, and nothing more." He said.

A shock ran through me.

"I know." I muttered.

Pain filled me. Not the pain I felt yesterday, but a new kind. An internal kind.

Lori returned, and I fled the scene angrily.

Carl's POV:

I hated hurting Brooke, and I wish we could be more than friends, but not at this time. If something happened to her, I would be crushed, unable to keep going. I couldn't get too attached. She had a habit of finding trouble, and I have to stick around and stay whole for my parents' and the rest of the group's sake.

I continued to scrubbed harder when Brooke left the room, angry at the world.

"What's up with her?" My mom asked.

I said through clenched teeth "I'm not sure mom."

"Did you two have a fight?" She pressed.

"No mom." I replied angrily.

"Can you tell me why you're mad then?" She asked.

"I'm not mad mom." I said. I couldn't hold a conversation with her right now, so I got up and left, tears beginning to coat my eyes as I remembered how badly I wanted to kiss Brooke last night. I then realized I would no longer have that privilege.

Meeting Old Friends (A Carl Grimes Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now