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I was force to walk through a series of tunnels, until we go to a fiery place, torches and a bomb fire blazed. The Governor joined us.

"Now, because of your poor decisions, you have been sent here. Now, you will fight to the death, with a chance of one of you surviving. If you disobey, I'll kill all of you." The Governor then paused as someone whispered something in his ear.

"Daryl, please step into the ring." He said. Daryl proceeded. "Merel, will you please join him."

A man with a knife for one of his hand stepped forward. "Oh no." I heard Carl mutter.

"You wanted your brother, now you have him." The Governor said. "Now fight!"

Merel and Daryl stood off, staring each other down. Merel was the first to strike, punching Daryl in the stomach. "No!" I yelled as Daryl took the blow.

Daryl quickly counteracted by putting Merel in a head lock. "This is awful!" Carl said. "They're brothers!" A look of shock covered my face.

I closed my eyes and turned my head toward the floor. I couldn't watch.

"Wait! Stop!" The Governor said. "I have a better idea! Merel, Daryl, congratulations, you're both moving on." He smiled darkly and said "Carl, Brooke. Step into the ring." I was released and pushed forward, falling onto the dirt floor.

Carl was standing in front of me in the ring. Then those horrible words came out if the Governor's mouth.

"Now fight!"

Meeting Old Friends (A Carl Grimes Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now