Chapter 2: Good Morning

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A/N: Well 🌝 here's a new chapter for y'all.

Your p.o.v

I heard birds chirping outside as I brought my blanket closer to my body. Feeling the chill creep up my body giving me goosebumps.

guessing it's morning.

Slowly peaking through my half opened left eye, which got closed pretty fast due to the sunlight going through. I frown. "Another day, another boring day. " I thought.

Not long after I hear my butler knocking my door.

"Miss (Name) it's breakfast."

I groan into my pillow enough so that my butler can hear me. "Just give 30 minutes- I'll be out."

Getting out of bed, I stretch my body while yawning before heading to the bathroom to wash myself up. I brush my teeth and after a while later, I splash myself with cold water. Sighing as my reflection in the mirror shows. Taking off the clothes, I then get into the shower.

Not long after I open up my closet while having a white fluffy towel around me and my (h/c) locks dripping wet from the wash. Choosing my outfit of the day which consists a simple white t shirt and some denim shorts. My hair tie hangs on the edge of my mouth as I try to put my hair into a messy bun, after, I make my way downstairs.

Normal p.o.v

(Name) makes her way downstairs as she smelled the deliciousness of the freshly made pancakes making her mouth water with delight and hungriness. Hurrying down, she sees the one and only, her family. As usual, her father- may I add the president of Japan is reading the newspaper while drinking the substance from his mug. And as for the 11 year old, (Name's) brother also know as Daisuki is stuffing his little face with maple covered pancakes.


Most of all, surprised to see her mom.

"Good morning hun, come and sit. I made your favourites". It was really unusual and rare for her mom to be cooking, I mean. She's always busy with her own fashion business work overseas.

huh. Guess she came back late yesterday night.

Giving her a hug, before sitting down with the rest of her family. "Good morning" (Name) says with a small smile on her face. but all she receives is a "mmmm" from her dad and a lot of disgusting noises coming from her brother making her eyebrows twitch.

How typical.

(Name's) mom comes up to the table not long after with a freshly made pancake that is flat down on the pan, ready to be devoured by the one and only. That's some mean as pancake.

(Name's) mom lifts the pancake with her spatula and places it down on (Name's) plate. With the hunger filling inside her stomach, she quickly lifts the bottle of the maple syrup before squirting it down onto the plate of gorgeousness. Just before she was about to dig in (Name's) brother speaks up.

"Your gonna get fat if you have too much syrup" he says with a mouth filled of pancakes.

"Maybe you should eat with your mouth closed" she spits back

"Maybe you should act like a woman, oh wait. Your not a woman."

"Maybe you should stop being an ass and act like a proper teen" as she walks over to her brother to pinches his check while pulling on his ear.

"WAH! That hurts! Maybe you should-"

"Enough! You two" their mother says as the kitchen becomes silent. But shortly after (Name's) father breaks the awkward silent with a sip of his coffee. (Name) sits back down on her seat quietly before eating her pancake.

"You two kids need to behave more" their mother says while sighing through her breath and shaking her head.

(Name) quietly mumbles a "well it's not my fault this ass started it" Which she was glad her mom didn't hear.

"Close your mouth and eat~" her brother says in a mocking tone.

(Name) was about hit him on the head with her hand until her dad slowly folded back his newspaper and placed it down on the dinning table.

"(Name), meet me in my office in 10 minutes" before he walked off.

Wonder what that was about. She thought


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