Chapter 8: I know you

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The (h/c) haired girl skimmed and scanned through the hallway full of lockers as she tried to find a specific number.

"147..." she quietly mumbled to herself.

(Name) can still clearly remember what had happened a few minutes ago, as she encountered the rude mysterious guy. She sighed as she remembered he didn't even apologise, nor did she. Well it wasn't really her role to apologise seeing that he called her a busu. // means ugly woman// Hopefully I won't encounter him again.

Eventually (Name) found her locker by endless amount of looking around the school block. And by now, lots of students have filled the once silent hallway. The high schoolers were mostly talking amongst themselves and opening their lockers, getting their books ready for their first period. (Name) did nothing else but what she had to, she checked her timetable again and took out the necessary belongings needed for her first class. Her first session was English with Kakashi. The girl ran her fingers through the padlock remembering the code on the timetable. As it opened up, she took out the books that weren't needed and settled them in the locker. Now all she needed to do was find the classroom....

(Name) shut her locker and turned around. She'll eventually find her way somehow. Right? But shortly, she only to bump into another person.
Greaaaaat. How better can my day get. I it wasn't for keeping her low identity, she would've yelled at this person right now.

" Ah! gomenasai! ano..."
Well. At least this person apologised.

She turned around towards the direction of the spluttering voice and saw a girl with long purple midnight hair with stunning violet eyes. " I'm really sorry! I ah- I was just-"
"Its algoods. No biggie." you swayed it off. You looked around to see the signs above the class, trying to find where the hell you were.

How hard can finding a classroom be? Ugh.

You were about to turn your feet away and find your class, but before you can the girl spoke up.

"Uh- you look troubled... do you need help...?" the girl shyly asked. Looking at her, you thought it may be just best to ask. Letting out a sigh you spoke up. "Uh yeh, actually I'm new here and uh... I don't know where Kakashi sensei's class is." The purple haired girl gave (Name) a smile. "Actually that's my first class so I can take you there." she girl offered. (Name) nodded at her with a sly smile and followed her through the hallway, kindly accepting her offer. "My names Hinata. Hyuuga Hinata." the girl said.

"Hiruka (Name), you can just call me (Name)" you replied shortly after Hinata introduced herself.

" In that case you can call me just Hinata, (Name)" Hinata said. You have her a friendly smile. It was as if a friendship was about to bloom between the two of you. You both giggled at your conversation. Shortly enough, the two of you reached the classroom door where you saw many people have began to settle down as the bell has already rung. Surprised to see Sasuke, he was comfortably leaning back against his chair listening to music with his eyes closed from his headphones, too occupied to even realise that you've entered the classroom.
That asshole.

Hinata lead you to a silver haired man with a black mask covering his lower half of face reading a green covered book. Isn't he going to do anything about the class. the bell went. (name) thought.
He was sitting on a desk next to the whiteboard above. Your best guess was that he was probably Kakashi sensei. He soon looked up from his book " Well who have we got here?"
" Um... I'm actually a new student" (Name) replied. " Well Welcome, your name would be?" the silver haired men said.

" (Name). Hiruka (Name)"

"Well good to have you here"

The rest of the few minutes consisted of introducing yourself to the class and as for your seat, Kakashi just told you to sit anywhere you liked that was free. And by now all the students attention was focused on you except for a brown haired guy that kinda looked like a pineapple. Sleeping with his face down on his desk. Is he even allowed to sleep during class? Even Sasuke had now taken off his headphones and his eyes were towards your direction. Your gaze met his and the (brow colour) coloured eyebrows twitched remembering the fact that he left you in the empty hallway alone. And he's acting as if nothing happened. You made your way towards the back where the window was next to the desk. Might I mention, behind Sasuke. You pulled the chair out and sat on the chair, taking out your books and stationary getting ready for the lesson. The door to the classroom suddenly slammed open as a person had opened it loudly interrupting the silent classroom . You looked up, suprised. It was the boy you bumped into this morning.

"Your late, Menma." Kakashi said.

"Hai hai." the boy waved off in an uninterested tone. Who's name she knew now, Menma. And here she thought she would never met him again.

The hooded boy tried to make his way to his desk until Kakashi stopped him. " Don't you think you've forgotten something Menma?"
"Haa?" Menma said in an annoyed tone.
The silver haired teacher pointed at his own head and as if the boy finally understood what he was pointing out, he sighed and took his hood off slowly. By now you had a clear view of his face. He roughly ruffled hid midnight black hair. He had one of the prettiest blue eyes you've seen. Light as the sky, but deep as an ocean. And is that- whiskers on his face?! He looked similar to the blonde you saw earlier when you were entering the classroom. Perhaps they were brothers?

Suddenly the sea blue eyes gaze turned to your direction in an indifferent facial as he started to make his way through the students who were already seated on their desk. Both of you were staring at each other with a questioning look.

Although he just looked more pissed.

As he kept coming closer and closer. By now you were starting to panicking and wondered why he was coming towards you. He finally took his last step that took him right I front of you. Looking down at you as you were doing the opposite, staring up at him.

" Doke." he simply said.//Doke means move in a rude way//
"Eh?" you said dumbfounded.
" Did you not hear me? Move."

Everyone in the classroom fell silent, although it was quiet before, this felt more like " if I interrupt this, I will be in deep shit so I'll keep quiet" kinda silent. The people that were seated were staring at you and Menma. Hinata looked at you with worrying eyes which you didn't noticed due to being astonished by Menma's words. "Excuse me?" You said with an attitude. If he was going to be rude, then so were you. Two can play the same game. You glared at him with your eyes and he just stared down at you with an annoyed expression.
" It's my seat, now move."

" Oi oi. Futari domo, ikagennishiroyo." Kakashi said as he looked over his book. //means both of you calm down// But both of you were to occupied in your glares that you didn't hear your English teacher exclaim.

" It's clearly not your seat. You were late, get another seat." you said.

" Haaa?! Oi, fat woman. You get another seat! This seat is mine! Mine." he shouted.

" Is not!"

"Omaera!" // means you guys// the teacher yelled with a deafening shout. Both of (Name) and Menma stopped their argument as the class flinched with their angry teacher looking at the both of you with his fierce eyes. If looks could kill, you would be dead right now. Yup.

You finally realised that you were interrupting the whole class and that everyone was now staring at you. Sasuke just shock his head.

You had no idea what you have gotten yourself into.

"Chikshou..." Menma mumbled.


cbf checking grammar an sorry for the late update lol.

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