Chapter 3: Suprise?

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Your p.o.v

Finishing off my pancake, I stood up from the dinning room's chair and made my way to the sink as I gently placed down the now dirty dishes. After, nearly bumping into the table as I wasn't paying attention to my surrounding while I was walking.

"pfff- baaaka. " Daisuki adds.

I ignore his presence and walk along the hallway to my dad's office, I was thinking,

did I do something wrong?

he hardly calls me to his office.

did he found out I've been sneaking out?

All the possibility ran through my head and before I knew it, the door to his office was right in front of me. Taking a deep breath in, and exhaling it out I pushed the door open. There sat the president of Japan with his back faced towards me. He slowly turns his chair and looks at me straight in the eye. His gaze going through my (e/c) orbed eyes-

oh no. what have I gotten myself into.

"Sit" he says, offering the lonely looking chair that stood beside his desk. As I sit down I gulp, please please please don't get me grounded. oh plEaSe-

Before my brain can continue to think through the possibilities he interrupts me.

"(Name), have you ever thought about attending high school?"

At that very moment, I found myself hard to let my brain function. My once ice cold blood before felt like it finally started to flow throughout my body again.


I was dumbfounded at that very moment.

"It's totally fine if you'd like to continue your education by home schooling-"

"dad repeat that again please" I say as my brain finally started to function again, and clearly knowing what he's talking about- but I needed to be sure. Be sure that my mind wasn't just messing around and playing games with me, so I asked. He sighs as he repeats it once again.

" I said- would you like to attend high-"

"DAD YES OH MY LORD THANK YOU SO, SO MUCH! I-" I cut him off. I knew this wasn't a dream. It wasn't. This is real. But I felt like I needed to pinch my checks just to make sure though.

"I'm not finished" he says.

Out of curiosity, I question myself, what more to it? "What is it dad?"

"My friend you see, has a son. And well, knowing I cannot let you attend school alone is a problem. So I have hired the youngest son of Uchiha Fugaku, he will escort you to school and back home, also as a new body guard."

The hell. This isn't freedom is it. I groan loudly, frustrated by not getting the personal space I needed.

"But dad-"

"Take it, or leave it. It's your choice" he says with his elbow on the table. Both of his hands are over his mouth. Attending high school? I mean, I may never get a chance like this again. I give in and answer with a yes.

"You shall start school on Monday, And Uchiha will come and meet you tomorrow night, downstairs in the lounge, 6 o'clock. Dead straight, and remember I have a meeting to attend to, your coming with me. got it?"

"Yes ma'am. I say with a slight sarcasm in my tone. As I make my way outside, closing the door shut behind me, leaning my back against the door. As my head tilts up, the sun shines through my face. Blinking a little as I adjust my (e/c) eyes to the beam that possibly made me blind for a few second. Seeing as birds fly above the ground with-


Something I don't have.

I'll make sure I spend my time as wisely as I can, possibly do some things I've never gotten to be able to.

Heh, this will be fun.

A/N: I'm happy to see some of you are enjoying this story so far. It would be nice for you to leave me a comment though if you haven't already done so! 💖 It means a lot and would brighten up my day. 😊 Until then, Ja.

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