Chapter 10: Pouring rain

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READ AUTHORS NOTE AT THE END!!! announcement made.

A week has already passed and everything was going pretty well. (Name)'s parents have came back from their business trip and so has Daisuki from Aunt Rosa's. Every morning Sasuke came and drove her to school and back. Usually now, there were a few greetings here and there between (Name) and the not so social person. They have come to be in good terms as acquaintances, or so as she thinks. He didn't say much, as usual, and he did sometimes mock you about your short height, considering he was nearly a head taller the you.

By now (Name) memorised most of the peoples name in her class, made new friends, and even made some foes. They were Sasukes 'fan girls' is what people would describe them as, and it honestly couldn't be helped. You did have to be drove by Sasuke everyday which was one of her dad's condition for her to attend school. And it wasn't as if you had the option. Although the idea of walking would've been more ideal.

It was official to you now, that Menma was annoying, Hinata is a sweet timid girl, Temari was quiet, yet had this comforting vibe around her, which could be the reason (Name) and Temari got along just fine, and as for Ino and Sakura, they were always mimicking each other in a way, entertaining the (h/c) haired young fellow. And to say, Shikanaru was hella smart, she, her private homeschooled self couldn't even stand between his algebra smart ass. Even though he was always sleeping. 

She herself didn't even like algebra. (Name) silently scoffed at the middle of her English class. Mentally noting herself that if she scoffed loudly in the middle of her class, people would think crazy of her. And as for the other people, she wasn't listening to their conversation half of the time during lunch . But they were nice she supposed.

The (e/c) orbs turned its direction towards  Sasuke sitting in front of her. Of course the ravenette wasn't even paying attention to the teacher, (Name) looked towards his left and saw his hands twirling over and over again as it seemed to be a pen. Not really entertain by pens turning and flipping, her eyes made its way towards the window. Sakura leaves were gently falling from the tree.

spring already, huh.

Come to mind, there were rumours as Ino have said throughout lunch, that Sasuke hates his brother Itachi. She've mention the fact that Itachi use to go to Konoha High previously in his high school years and that he was the smartest boy in the top class, academically smart with straight "A+", captain of the basketball team, and also was heard that he had gotten a scholarship towards few of  the best universities in Japan.  No wonder he hates him. He's probably jealous tch.

(Name) frowned at what she was saying. What was she saying? She wasn't just an ignorant girl to jump to conclusion. She eyed towards Sasuke again.

Maybe. Just maybe, she might be able to find out more about him. He was like a puzzle box, unless you have the brain and dedication to put the mixing peices together. You're gonna get nowhere to get the full picture.

And, this was for the sake of getting along. Right? Nothing more, nothing less.

The bell soon rang as (Name) was interrupted from her thoughts, students started to pack away, ready to leave on a Monday afternoon. As another week of agonising pain of test papers have  started to make their way towards the teenage high schoolers. (Name) didn't mind though, guess the hours of private studying really did pay off for her.

" (Name)-chan" a soft voice called your name."

You looked up to see non other than Hinata herself. You smiled. "Hey Hinata"

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