Chapter 9: Find Me

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(Name) P.O.V

I expected my future to be something like this.

Study hard, become a good student, then graduate high school.

Without publicly embarrassing myself in front of the whole class.

Never, EVER did I expect myself standing outside with an idiotic boy, holding my hands above my head like a kindergarten child that just got scolded for fighting over who gets which seat.

I should've just gave that damn seat to him. Ugh

But hey. Although my mind said I did the wrong thing, my heart was screaming in satisfaction. And praising me for standing up for myself. But who am I kidding, this is school we're talking about. Sometimes my pride got the best of me.

Sighing, I glance at Menma next to my side hearing non stop curse words mumbling out of his mouth. The scowl on his face sure did make him look uglier. Well, that may be a lie, I mean he was pretty decent looking compared to most people I've seen. Heck, I take that back. He's more than just handsome, its just his personality that ruined him whole.

" It was your fault" he silently whispered looking straight ahead towards the window, voice hushed, being cautious knowing Kakashi sensei may hear and just scold us even more. As for he who was continuing to teach the rest of the class. " Nuh uh" I reluctantly reply. Ah crap. Why did I even say that, I could've just ignored his presence. Maybe if he didn't pick on me over 'his' seat which was totally "not his" then all of this might've not happened. Seriously shouldn't be complaining about this anymore really. I quietly sighed for who knows, how many times at myself today. It had already been about 20 minutes and i swear to the lord of- i don't even know. But what I know is that my arms were in major pain with my blood not circulating right. Save me kami sama.

Soon, the door to the class slides open and Kakashi sensei heads towards us. " Alright, I'm letting you in. But cause trouble again, then after school toilet cleaning will come right your way." he smiled wickedly. I already don't like  him.

He gives us a little information on what was going on in the class and allowed us to get back to our seats. I slowly walk over to the back seat next to the window and opened up my book that sat on the desk, seeing Sasuke just listening to music from his phone not paying any attention to his surrounding. I was about to copy what was  on the board. But unfortunately I was interrupted with a loud squeak coming from a chair next to my desk. Menma sits sloppily to my right, throwing his bag onto his desk. And that just had to be the only empty desk in the classroom. Why.

The class goes on throughout and before I know it, the period has come to an end. Packing up my stuff I make my way towards the door but before I can, Kakashi sensei calls out. "(Name), Menma, a moment." I curiously walk over to his desk. " As your guys punishment for interuppting my class, Menma. You will be showing (Name) around the school at lunch."

"HAAAA? Why me?! "
Kakashi looked at the boy with anger throughly showing in his eyes. The boy gulped. " Well, unless you want 3 days of detention and a week of cleaning the toilets  I'm more then happy to welcome you that offer. Let me just call the janitors-l

" Okay, okay I get it!"  Menma slammed his hands on his desk and said in defeat. Before Kakashi was about to dial the office for the notice. Menma turns over to me and looks at me with a straight face. Closing his eyes, he rubs his palm against his face and seemed to be in deep thoughts.  Before finally looking up as if he's made his decision. "Meet outside the front entrance of the school." and with that he left the class.

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