⛧💫The Prophecy💫⛧

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A drakon with pure white eyes stared at the fellow dragon kings and queens, scowling. At last, a starry dark colored drakaina stepped down to them. She was the Sea Kingdom's future teller, Lake'light. A dark gray drakon with a ginger foot also stepped down, purring.

"Great news!" He chimed happily. On the other hand, Lake'light seemed worried.

A shadow moved above, as though eavesdropping.

The dark gray dragon twined his tail with Light's tail. He put his forelegs on the ground, his claws making a light click! sound on the ground. Ridge didn't really look interested.

In fact, he just grumbled to himself, angrily. "Whatever, get it over with." His scales shone in the moonlight, as did Light's scales.

"I have a prophecy to deliver." "A dragon of the purest white sheets of ice will live in rocks, wings of white and feathery hearing; A dragon of prophecy will end the hiding and free those lost, one who is stronger than water, fire, lightning, and cold itself."

King Ridge tapped his claws on the ground, bored. "Huh, intriguing... Well, let's go home now."

Light yelped. "Wait! But it's important!!!"

Ridge shouted something in anger and lightning struck Lake'Light.

She yelled in pain and staggered, nearly falling backwards into the water.

Her brilliant blue scales shown in the faint moonlight. "Let that be a lesson to you." King Ridge grumbled.

He stalked off.

Light, tail drooping, hopped into the water with a splash.

Rather, be warned, little travelers..


A dragon of the purest white hides in the rocky outcrop above,
Of whom is with feathery wings,
And winged ears
But only a dragon of future, and one of uncovering secrets, must know,
For if anyone knows before it must be said,
Fate will ask, and we will deliver,
If the ice, fire, and water do not succeed,
Fate will ask for a fourth,
One that is necessary either way, one hidden away in the plants.
Ask for the dragonet,
Fate will give.
The kingdom of snow will rise to power again,
And so will another.

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