⛧Chapter 15⛧

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The sky darkened even more as Ember waited silently for Dragonfly and Misty'Moon, it was almost silent, except the chirps of distressed birds.

He had no clue why they were in distress.

Wasn't it just a normal thunderstorm? He stared at Ginger'Foot.

He was gasping for air. Lily yelped and ran to his side. "Ginger'Foot! Are you- okay?!"

In response, Ginger'Foot hissed in fear. "I- I CAN'T BE OKAY! It's a PROPHECY-

When the darkest sky has appeared to the prophets,
The prophecy will turn its back on us all.
Lava will rip the Earth apart, as skys of thunder, rain, and bloodshed will soak the grass below,
When the moons have served their purpose,
The overhanging night mist will fade into a new dawn.
And the city will be ripped apart. "

Ember just stared in shock, and Seashore clinged to his wing, he wrapped it around her shortly afterward.

"What does that mean?!" Ember questioned aggressively.

Lily shook her head and stared worriedly at their friend.

Ginger'Foot collapsed, panting, onto the ground.

Thunder shook the earth again. Ember had a slight idea take form, which, it began.

The war would begin, and this would be a terrible literal storm mentioned in the prophecy.

But what does 'The overhanging moons' mean, and does it mean about Misty'Moon? He questioned. Is the new dawn the peace revealed? Because it surely can't be sinister.

He stared at the gray dragonet standing up now. Who was Ginger'Foot, and why did he know the future?

Ember looked around and then beckoned to Seashore to enter a cove. It was not far.

She nodded, and Ember spread his wings, and rose into the sky.

Then he flapped them to rise higher and glided straight for the cavern.

It was right there.

He pointed his talon at the cove. and flew into the cove, sitting down. Ember watched as Seashore flew towards him and sat in front of him.

"Um, what did you want?" She asked nervously.

Ember dipped his head. "My apologies, princess." He raised it again. "I needed to ask about this. How does Ginger'Foot see the future? Is that normal?" He questioned.

She hesitated. "Well, um, yes, if you must know, at least one dragon from each kingdom has that power." She responded.

Ember nodded thanks. "Well, we should get back."

Seashore nodded and headed out first, then Ember jumped first but opened his wings and spun, then just followed her.

She landed, and he landed moments later, next to her.

Ginger'Foot was up now.

Suddenly roars echoed across the cliffsides. Through the mountains, past the volcano.

Ember froze. He pulled his wings closer to himself.

The war is starting. The war.. the prophesied war. Of destruction, of murder, of chaos, of.. . Fire.

Seashore looked petrified, Ginger'Foot looked fearless, and Lily looked anxious.

Ember, he felt restless. Anxious. Everything.

What is going to happen here?

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