⛧Chapter 7⛧

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Mist glowered at the water below, pacing anxiously. What did it mean if they actually caught a lava dragon?

Were they seriously about to win an entire war? Or START a war?!

She groaned in exhaustion. How much longer did this have to go on for even?!

Mist looked at the sky, which was now  filled with stars.

What would become of this world? And how was SHE supposed to stop it all?! She was just your average dragon.. ... .

Except she wasn't. She was different. Very different.

She was powerful. With her friends, she'd be unstoppable.

But who are her friends? Who? Is Lily one of them? But who else?? 

Her mind wandered until it reached a familiar face.. that's it! A sea dragon, a fire dragon, and an ice dragon! Lily, goes for ice! But who are the other two?

Then Mist's thoughts wandered again...

What about.. no, it can't be so easy. Would fate really deliver the fire and water straight to me?! 

She worried about this all the time. She let out a sigh.

"We should go before they get backup." Mist said quickly.

Lily nodded and took off ahead. When did she become so brave?

They all flew back to the Stone Kingdom.

Suddenly, a voice she'd recognize anywhere boomed across the kingdom. "WE HAVE AN IMPORTANT MEETING! EVERYONE GATHER BEBEATH THE LEDGE!"

It was King Ridge of the Stone Kingdom.

Mist slammed her claws down and walked over to the ledge with Ginger and Lily.

She carefully sat down next to the two dragons.

King Ridge looked out over the crowd. "Recently we had another meeting. I need TWO DRAGONS, the ONLY fur covered ones to STEP UP AND TALK WITH ME. If they refuse, or if they aren't here, they WILL be searched for."

Shock overwhelmed Mist, but she quickly shook it off and walked up with Lily.

King Ridge glared at the dragons below. "END."

With that word, all the dragons scattered.

Anxiety flooded Mist. "Um, sir, King Ridge, what did you need?"

He looked at Mist and Lily. "We got another prophecy." He pointed at Lily suddenly. "And YOU are completely involved."

Mist awkwardly shifted. "So what is it then?"

"Ahem." He cleared his throat.
"A dragon of snow, a dragon of water, and a dragon of lava,
All of whom play an important role.
Find a fine white dragon of the rockiest kingdoms,
Of whom will come to you.
The dragon of the sea will bare a scar,
Of which will blind a normal soul.
Flames will bury beneath a mountain of sea,
But once the ember is freed, a brand new fire will burn inside of whom.
Find a lost King, he'll surely wait for you.
If you dare threaten her, she'll have a lecture for you. Beware the ocean's deepest lies.
A lava pit will burn a scar, cutting away to chaos.
Only ice can cure a shattered stone crack with an ocean between,
Before a fresh leaf is found."

"I figured I'd tell you now. We had it some time ago, but now I finally decided it was time to tell you." King Ridge finished.

Mist fell deep in thought. A dragon with a scar on their eye maybe? Or - no, maybe emotionally scarred? I don't know these metaphors!

Finally, she quit for now. "Thank you very much, your majesty." Mist trilled. She dipped her head and stepped out, Lily one step ahead.

So.. it begins.

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