⛧Chapter 12⛧

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Ember cautiously sped out of the room while it was still empty, a dragon in the jail room was who he looked for. One named Seashore...

Seashore? He'd questioned in his head earlier. But isn't she the- scratch that, she is the OLD future-teller. But why would she be in jail? She was even the queen's daughter!

This was very puzzling to the crimson dragonet, but he continued down to the prison.

A silver blue dragonet with white charms of seashells.. pebbles.. . And has deep blue eyes. Should be easy enough to find from the prince's description.

Ember continued stealthily through the hallways' shadows. Until, he finally reached the last cell. Cell 99.

The name feels so, ominous. Still, he peered through. Surprise shot through him. It was her. The Seashore.

She sat, head down, mumbling to, no one?

He tapped on the bars.

"Ak- Who in the name of the Ancient City-" She swiveled around, jumping. Her seashells and pebbles on her necklaces clanked against her scales.

"Oh, sorry." She mumbled. "I thought you were a guard here to test my strength and powers."

Now Ember was even more confused. He looked at his talons. "Powers.." He echoed. It started to make more sense slowly. "You were locked away because of whatever powers you have." He whispered.

Seashore hesitated. "Well- uhm- uh- I- I mean I guess." She stammered.

Ember tilted his head to one side. "Um, if you don't mind me asking, what are these so-called abilities?"

She shuffled her talons uneasily. "I knew you'd ask." Seashore groaned. "Weell, guess I may as well tell you. I actually, am able to speak to a mysterious dragon." She began. "I don't know her name, but if I go to the point closest to Claws of Gravity, she will communicate."

"Do you know her in person?" Ember asked kindly. Seashore shook her head.

"No, sadly not." She admitted. He dipped his head.

"Well, that's perfectly fine. I'm here to help you escape. With me." "What- But- how??" Ember opened his mouth, feeling the heat rising, and burned through the bars.

Seashore jumped back as a tiny spark of flame flicked close to her. Ember almost snorted at this sight. "Alright, let's go." He said. He started catiously heading through the tunnels again, covering her with his star-covered wings. He blended perfectly in with his surroundings.

As the fire dragonet and sea dragonet reached the elevator, he stepped into the shadows of it and pressed a button. It began rising.

Suddenly sirens wailed as they reached the top. "Run. Fly as fast as you can, I'll catch up." Ember hissed.

Seashore dipped her head with hesitation, and then spread her wings and flew quickly over the sea.

Ember followed next.

They both headed straight for the Stone Kingdom's bay.

The light of the setting sun was faint against the water, which was flashing colors of red, peach, orange, purple, salmon, and pink.

Oh two moons. What am I getting myself into?

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