5:15 am (Z-Team HQ, Hang Out Room)

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The zombie villains Super Brainz, Professor Brainstrom, Impfinity, and Brain Freeze are all doing their own thing. Super Brainz is looking at himself while posing in a mirror, Professor Brain Storm is frenziedly writing what's probably some math equation on a chalkboard, Brainfreeze is just sitting there, and Impfinity is bored out of his mind. Also he farted.
"Man, ew, stinks in here doesn't it? Who dealt it, fess up", he asks everyone in the room, in an attempt to entertain himself. None of the zombies respond. "Hmm... the culprit's being silent huh? Well, I'll catch him!", Impfinity says. He goes up to Super Brains. "Was it you big guy? C'mon, you know what they say, heroic strength, heroic gas!", Impfinity says. "Huh... go away Impfinity, I'm doing something here!", Super Brains says, as he continues posing in front of the mirror. "Fine, perhaps it was you Professor!!!", Impfinity says dramatically, to no response. "Professor? C'mon I know it was you! Stop doing those stupid math equations... wait, when'd they add anime to math?", Impfinity says. Professor Brainstorm turns to Impfinity. "Just because I'm a scientist doesn't mean I'm always doing math problems, asshole! I'm like drawing too!", the Professor says. "Oh... um... sorry, I'll leave you to it... becaaauuse, I've found the true culprit! Brain Freeze, only a yeti zombie could deliver such a powerful gas!", Impfinity says, jumping up onto Brain Freezes lap for dramatic effect. Nothing. "Oh come on! You're not even doing anything, you're just staring at a wall, what's your excuse for not talking to me!?!", Impfinity exclaims. No response. Brain Freeze just stares at him while heavily breathing. "Man, you guys are all lame, fine, want to know who truly felt the gas? I'll tell you, it was m-", Impfinity starts to say, about to confess, right as he sees Neptuna pass by the outside hall. "Hm... perhaps the he who dealt the gas was not a he... perhaps the culprit is a she zombie! Also, I want her autograph, isn't she like famous or something?", Impfinity says, pretty much to himself at this point, running up to Neptuna. Most of Z-Team feared Neptuna, as she was the commander of the ancient zombie army and was the first ever zombie to receive powers. She used to pretty much be the leader of Z-Team, since Super Brainz was basically brain dead, and Neptuna was the most qualified, being the smartest and strongest, until Huge Gigangicus came around. She was and still is feared her for her general prickliness and power. If she got mad at you, she could beat you up easily. So of course, everyone was very careful around her. Except Impfinity, since he's Impfinity. The fact that Impfinity was able to casually ask for Neptuna's autograph made her hate him even more.
"Hey lady, can I get your autograph? Please? Pretty please?", Impfinity asks Neptuna. "Who are you, little zombie? Are you even a member of Z-Team?", she asks, angrily. "I'll have you know that 4 feet is a very normal height and certainly not little for imps like me! Anyways, I'm Impfinity, new member! I'm pretty cool, I can give you my autograph too if you'd like! It can be like trading cards except with autographs instead of cards and giving instead of trading!", Impfinity exclaims. "I don't have time for this. Welcome to Z-Team. Now stop wasting my time unless you want to make a very powerful enemy.", Neptuna threatens. Impfinity scoffs.
"Yeah, well I'm Impfinity, and I'm about to give you an autograph so good you'll wish you had it tattooed on yourself!", he exclaims. "You're trying my patience little one. Move.", Neptuna commands. Impfinity moves, quickly putting a piece of paper and pen in front of her face. He then proceeds to write on the paper, which was ripped from his notebook.
"Hi! My name is Impfinity! I know you're my biggest fan and you want to be me, I mean if I wasn't me, I would want to be me to! Here's to hoping you can be more like your hero! -Impfinity", Impfinity writes, and signs his signature (which looks like a dick). He hands it to Neptuna. She takes it and rips it in half. "I told you to move, not write me some idiotic autograph. Clearly you don't know who I am. So I'll tell you. I am Neptuna, the first zombie with powers, the commander of the ancient zombie army, and the most powerful member of Z-Team.", she says. "Huh, I thought that was Huge Giganticus.", Impfinity responds. He's right, but Neptuna didn't like to be reminded, so she angrily punches him in the stomach. With the quick punch to the stomach, Impfinity is sent flying against the wall. "Next time think before you approach me, weakling.", Neptuna says, walking away. Impfinity picks himself up and dusts himself off."Man, who does she think she is?!? She'll learn soon enough who she's messing with... us Imps are durable creatures aren't we me?", Impfinity asks as he presses a button on his suit that creates a clone. "Why yes, me, we certainly are durable! Also, may I say, you are very tall and not short!", says the clone. "Thanks me, you're pretty not short too! Together, we're gonna teach that Neptuna lady a lesson!", Impfinity replies to his clone. The two identical imps laugh for a while. "Why are we laughing?", his clone asks. "Not sure!", Impfinity confidently answers.

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