5:30 am (L.E.A.F. HQ, Recreational Room)

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Everyone is still in the same positions as last time. Solar Flare finally comes up with a plan.
"Guys, I've got it! I've got a plan!", Solar Flare exclaims, falling off the couch. Chompzilla is relieved she doesn't have to go through the torture of hearing Solar Flare brainstorm awful plan ideas, wishing she could tell Solar Flare her own plan idea anymore. "About time!", Rose says. "What's the plan?", Night Cap asks her, putting his guard down and getting tackled by Grass Knuckles. "Let's go!!! Finally, I win a sparring round!!! Anyways, yeah, what's the plan?", Grass Knuckles asks. "The plan is, we punch the zombies hard until they faint.", Solar Flare says. Chompzilla is on the verge of snapping at Solar Flare. It took her all that time to think of that?!? Chompzilla had thought of ten, TEN different plans that would work amazingly in the time it took Solar Flare to come up with that one "plan". As if it could even be one. If Chompzilla could speak, she'd be screaming right now. "Nah, I'm just messing with you guys, I've got an actual plan.", Solar Flare says, grinning. Chompzilla is relieved. She was actually thinking about attacking Solar Flare. Everyone sits around Solar Flare to listen to the plan. "Alright, so basically, first we sneak in to Z-Team headquarters through the sewers, Night Cap knows his way through there, it's how he gets into the Z-Team HQ to spy on them.", Solar Flare says. Rose quickly and quietly steps away from Night Cap. Night Cap smiles, an idea forming in his head. "Rooose, you better ruuun! I'm gonna get my sewage-y scent all over you!", he says as he chases Rose. "GET AWAY FROM ME YOU FUNGAL FREAK!!!", Rose exclaims as she runs from him. Solar Flare laughs. "Anyways", she continues to the three others, "After that, Chompzilla will break into the main room of the headquarters and distract most of the zombie villians guarding it. Chompzilla's a beast, so she'll be able to handle them. Meanwhile the rest of us go further into the HQ, find Neptuna, knock her out and kidnap her.", Solar Flare explains. "Brilliant plan kid.", Captain Combustible says sarcastically. "Thank you.", Solar Flare responds, not catching onto the sarcasm. Captain Conbustible sighs, "And what if there's more zombie villians further in that try to stop us?", he asks. "Well... uh... we fight then?", Solar Flare responds, unsure. "And give Huge Giganticus enough time to teleport Neptuna somewhere where we can't get her? Because he will know that we're coming for Neptuna, with the whole Hollow Earth thing.", Captain Combustible points out. "Huh... then I guess each of us can take on one zombie hero, while the others keep going.", Solar Flare says. "If there's 4 zombie villians and only one of us goes to face off with Neptuna, who should it be?", Captain Combustible asks. "Um... Night Cap? I mean, he's the most experienced with being stealthy, he could like sneak up on her.", Solar Flare suggests. "Kid, me and you both know that wouldn't work. If he was able to sneak up in her that'd be all well and dandy, but what if Neptuna noticed Night Cap. He wouldn't stand a chance, he's not very strong.", Captain Combustible says. "What the fuck!?!",  Nightcap exclaims angrily. "I think it should be you. You're strong, make quick decisions, and are good at improvising. If things go awry, I think you'd be able to turn things around.", Captain Combustible suggests. "Huh... I guess you're right. Alright that's the plan now, thanks Captain!", Solar Flare says. "No problem.", Captain responds. Chompzilla is pleased with the plan. Sure, it's not as good as her's would've been, but it would do. "Let's go! I'm getting pumped up again! Time to kick some zombie ass!", Grass Knuckles exclaims, no longer nearly as tired as before. "Couldn't have said it better myself!", Solar Flare says.

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