5:28 am (L.E.A.F. HQ, Recreational Room)

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Night Cap and Grass Knuckles are sparring, with Night Cap winning only because Grass Knuckles is on the verge of falling asleep, while Captain Combustible is pacing around back and forth on the other side of the room. Rose is playing an arcade game, saying it's rigged since she can't win, Solar Flare is lying upside down on a couch, trying to think of a plan, and Chompzilla is sitting on the floor, waiting for Solar Flare to think of a plan. Chompzilla had already come up with 10 plans that she was 99 percent sure would work, the fact that she could not suggest her plans was very frustrating to her, so she had taken comfort in watching Rose fail at the arcade game she was playing over and over.

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