5:45 am: (Forest, somewhere near the entrance to Hollow Earth... hopefully)

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Ever since they left L.E.A.F. HQ at 5:15, Citron's been leading the rest of Team A in circles. His built in futuristic gps is broken, but he's not willing to admit it.
"Wait bros... hold on... I think we're close...", Citron says as he leads Team A in random direction. "I don't think I've ever been this lost since Ensign Uproot's in-built gps glitched and led our platoon to a intergalactic war zone instead of McDonald's.", Beta Carrotina says.
"McDonald's sucks. And we're not lost.", he responds, still walking forwards.
"Citron, there's no shame in admitting you're lost. Just admit it and Penelope will lead the wa-", Spudow starts to say, but is interrupted by Citron. "I know where we're going Potat-Bro, we'll be there in just a few minutes, I got this!", Citron lies. "Citron, we have been in this exact spot for the past 20 minutes!", Penelope exclaims, "And when I told you this was the wrong way, you said I was 'tripping' and that you were 'totally sure' this was the right way! Now, we're gonna go the way I think Hollow Earth is, let's hope you didn't get us so lost that even I can't find the way back!", she finishes yelling, storming off forward. The rest of A team follows her. "She's so egotistical isn't she?", Citron says to Wall Knight quietly so that Penelope doesn't hear. "Yeah, Green Shadow's got a massive ego.", Wall Knight echoes, very loudly. Penelope turns to him and Citron angrily. "Im sorry I didn't mean it! You're really strong and smart!! Please don't hurt me!!!", Wall Knight panics, activating his shield armor. Citron just smiles awkwardly. "Ugh, you two aren't even worth the trouble.", Penelope says, turning around and continuing forwards. "Phew. That was a close one.", Citron says. "Yeah... do you know how I turn off armor mode? It usually just turns of by itself but it doesn't seem to be doing that now. In this state I'm kinda stuck like thi-", Wall Knight starts to say, before he realizes Citron is slowly walking backwards, away from him. "Uh... Citron? Citron? Citron! Come back, how do I turn this thing off!?!", Wall Knight exclaims as Citron quickly walks away, pretending not to hear him.

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