Molly Weasley

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James' Pov

It was silent again in the great hall witch was weird because there's a bunch of students in here. The red head up on the stage said " hi as you heard I'm Molly Weasley I was named after my grandmother Molly Weasley" 

Molly the original started crying of happy tears and said 'one of my kids named one of there kids after me" 

Molly II nodded and said " you'll meet him soon after all of us go" 

Molly nodded and stayed quiet and paid close attention "moving on im 15, I like nature and im in Ravenclaw but I don't play quidditch just to let you know"

The Ravenclaw's clapped and so did the Weasley's then Dumbledore came up to the stage.

"Thanks miss Weasley anyway moving on" 

She left then another red head came up and this time it was a boy. " hi im hugo Arthur Weasley"

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