Albus Severus potter

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Albus Pov

I was nervous when I walked out on the stage because I don't know how my grandpa and his friends will react once they realize I'm in slytherin and that my middle name is Severus.

I cleared my throat and said " hi before we start I wanna say that my full name is albus Severus potter"

There were gasps all around the hall, my grandma looked shocked and so did my grandpa and his friends. 

"Wait why is your middle name Severus what was my future son thinking"

"Dad said he named me after the bravest person he knows plus he saved my dad's life"

There were lots of gasps again from slytherin because why would Severus who hated potter for a long time save his son. 

Severus for his part looked shocked and even more pale but otherwise didn't say anything, my grandma was looking at him surprised and so did Sirius and Remus my grandpa was just looking at me with his mouth open.

"Ok well let's just get this out the way I'm in slytherin"

And once again there were a lot of gasps especially from Gryffindor and slytherin, because there had been lots a potters that had went to Gryffindor and not any other house but that's not true if I remember aunt hermione said there was my great great grandmother Dora potter who was in slytherin. 

The slytherin table was shocked because why would a light family like the potters be placed in there house only in this time lots a pure bloods were put in slytherin sometimes half bloods but never muggle borns or a light family but in the future there's lots of light families who are in slytherin and they are not bad and there are lots of muggle borns too in slytherin.

"How" said James once again shocked 

"How maybe because the only reason I'm in slytherin is because I have the traits of a slytherin, that's the only way you in end up in slytherin like how you ended up in Gryffindor because you have a trait of a Gryffindor not because I'm evil and im proud to be a slytherin"

Ugh and once again everyone looked shocked that I not only defended slytherin but I had said that I said I was proud to be a slytherin.

"Look grandpa I have nothing against you but in the future slytherins aren't evil well they aren't evil now you just think they are because there house was created by Salazar slytherin who was able to speak to snakes and because you know who was in that house but he chose to be evil just because one dark person in slytherin was evil doesn't make the rest of them bad"

That shut James up and the slytherin table looked shocked but clapped, it seems they forgot to clap for me when I told them I was in their house cause they were in shock.

Grandma had tears and her eyes and said she was proud of me and I smiled. "Ok moving on im 14 and on the quidditch team as a seeker and I like to read but I don't really like to pull pranks like James.

Sirius and Remus and James looked shocked but didn't say anything but professor Mcgonagall and my grandma looked relieved. 

"Ok next" said Dumbledore

As I walked down the stage I was about to leave until James called out and said "albus"

I looked at him and said "yes"

He looked at me and smiled and said "I'm proud of you"

I smiled and felt my eyes started to fill up with tears, I nodded and walked off the stage. "Next is sianna parkison"

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