Rose Weasley

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Remus Pov 

Again another Weasley, not that I have a problem with them they just seem to have a lot of children. 

"Hi im the sister of Hugo and im in ravenclaw of course and I'm 14 and I love to read but I don't play quidditch" 

The ravenclaw table once again claps for there future member and the Weasleys also clap.

She seems to sure for herself like she knows she's smart and is not afraid to admit that she likes reading, it's concerning and yet confusing. 

It was quite again but not because we were shocked about what she said we were just quite because no one had anything to say and because of everything she said in that bossy tone.

Sirius raises his hand and says " how come you don't play quidditch" 

Are you kidding me I roll my eyes half of the children went and said they didn't play quidditch and he didn't ask them omg I swear he's only asking this to be annoying but I love him anyway.

Rose raises her one of her eyebrows and says "because it's stupid and you can get hurt"

And that's when every quidditch player even Slytherin started shouting saying stuff like lies or she's not fun. 

Professor Dumbledore goes up to the stage and says " silence" 

And everyone goes silent again " thank you now, thank you miss Weasley"

She glared at everyone and leaves the stage then dumbledore says " now onto our next guest is Debra parkison"

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