Young Draco Malfoy

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Draco's Pov

I nodded at everyone before saying "I'm in slytherin, I'm 13 and I'm a seeker in quidditch, I'm also great at potions"

The slytherins clapped while my father smirked looking proud and smug, the quidditch players in slytherin looked proud but if only they knew how bad of a quidditch player I am.

It's all potters fault if he wasn't so pretty and perfect and have the most beautiful green eyes like emeralds then I wouldn't get distracted.

The truth is I kinda liked potter since I first laid eyes on him, but I can't be with him or tell him because I'm scared yeah can you believe it the great Draco Malfoy scared of saying his feelings.

I'm betrothed to Astoria greengrass since I was in dippers, it's not that I don't like her it's just I'm not into woman. 

But I know I'm never going to end up with harry because he hates me and I don't blame him I've been bullying him since he declined my handshake I mean I was embarrassed and mad so ever since then I've been picking on him even tho I like him, it's the only way to distract my feelings when I can't have him but every time I see his beautiful green eyes I melt.

Professor Dumbledore stands up and says "thank you mr. Malfoy now our next guest is Ronald Weasley"

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