Chapter 26

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Hermione's Pov

Oh no I think we just went back in time, a young professor Dumbledore just spoke to someone named Zabini and was taking us to his office to talk. 

As soon as we step into the office professor Dumbledore put up a silencer charm and told us to speak.

Since no one wanted to talk I spoke up and said "professor we came from the year 1998"

Professor Dumbledore looked shocked then not surprised, then he said "did any of you use a time turner"

I looked confused because how did he know but answered "yes I used a hour glass necklace but how we got here was by mistake"

He hummed and said "we'll now that your here, introduce yourself and then we'll find a way to send you back"

"But professor isn't it bad to mess with time" I said a little bit worried 

He looked at all of us and said "yes but if I wipe everyone's memory before you leave it will be fine"

I nodded but then he said something else that made be froze, "now it's time to introduce yourself and I almost forgot your future kids are here"

"WHAT" screamed all of us

Harry Potter: generation's reuniteTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon