Chapter 3. Power, the blood majin devil hunter

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-----------------------------------------------------(Y/N)'s Pov-----------------------------------------------------

I passed the other days in Aki' s residence, I finally had a decent house than when I lived in that shack some days ago. I even understood that what I really wanted was to touch some women's boobs, that would've been my goal to work seriously as a devil hunter. That's right, what I wanted now...

(Y/N) : It's tits!

Makima: It stits?

I then realized that I said what I was thinking in the middle of Makima's speach.
Aki: Hey! Pay attention dumbass!
(Y/N): Huh?

Makima: I'm going to have you pair up with a buddy

(Y/N): Buddy?

Makima: For safety's sake, we have people always work in two-man teams for small missions, patrol, and like these.

Some steps could be heard from the hallway behind us.

Makima: Looks like she's already here

Makima started walking away but before leaving she turned to me.

Makima: Be careful, she's a majin.

Hearing this I was confused. A majin is a human Corp possessed by a devil that preserve the devil's personality. But I couldn't understand how one could become a devil hunter. I turned my head in the direction where I heard the sound of the steps and I found myself in front of a girl that was wearing a devil hunter's uniform. She had pink hairs and two horns popping out of her head and she was yelling at me.

???: All right, bow before me human! My name is Power!

(Y/N): Are you the so-called buddy? Power?! Your name is Power?! Wait you are a majin?! Is ok for a majin to hunt devils?! 

She made a strange pose while I was asking myself if being pared with a majin would've been a good idea. But then I saw that the girl had a pretty big chest and I decided to risk it. 

(Y/N): Ah, what ever! Pleased to meat ya!

Me and Power were walking on the roofs of the buildings. I was walking peacefully in search of Devils to hunt while Power was looking around her surroundings frantically. Suddenly she slapped me randomly on the head.

Power: Human! Make haste! Allow me to kill something! I starve for blood!

I responded sighing and I've started walking again, Power followed me while looking at a stray cat that was passing behind us.

(Y/N): I can forgive a certain level of absurdity if the looking are good enough, problem is, how do I get to feel them?

We continued the patrol but we didn't found any devil to take down, after some minutes we had enough to keep searching and we stopped for a bit to rest.

(Y/N): There ain't any devils here!
After showing my dissapointment about the lack of devils in the city Power passed his index finger under her nose.

Power: I think that is probably due to me! Before becoming a majin, I was a devil feared by all, you see. Pathetic demons usually run away as soon as they catch a wiffh of my smell!
I looked at her surprised and a bit annoyed because she was the reason Devils weren't showing up.

(Y/N): What!? We won't get anything to show then!

In that moment I realised something, miss Makima said that if this special squad hadn't show any results it would've been broke up and I would've been killed. She also said that the one that paired me and Power was none others than Aki.

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