Chapter 7. The president of the united states

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Me and Power were walking toward the U.A. for another day of school. When we arrived in front of the school there was a crowd of reporter, probably waiting for students to show up so they could interview them. I whispered in Power's ear so that only her could hear me.

(Y/N): (Whispering) Hey Power, so those guys probably want to question us about our journy in he U.A. school, but we can't for privacy reasons so-


As she said that everyone turned their heads toward us and in a second they started running toward us.

(Y/N): Why did you do that!?!?!?

Power: For the glory (Y/N), to let em know who will rule them!

(Y/N): What!?

As we finished speaking the reporters had surrounded us and a woman put a microphone in front of Power's face to interview her.

Female reporter: Please, can you tell us what is it like to have All might as a teacher?

Power: Yeah, yeah, All Might and all, cool, but don't you want to talk about something else?

In that moment I understood what Power had in mind so I grabbed her arm and tried to bring her away.

(Y/N): No Power, don't say it!

Female reporter: What doyou mean?

Power: Well-

(Y/N): Don't!

Power turned around to look at me with a devious smile and then turned again to look at the reporter.

Power: What about my career?

As she said that everyone looked at her confused while I just facepalmed.

Power: Yeah that's right, being a hero could be cool and all but think about this, you could be the one that do everything.

(Y/N): Oh my god.

Power: The racist guy that can create laws against gay people and still be loved by his people. The rich guy that runs an entire country and that has servant to worship him like God.

(Y/N): You didn't just said that, right?

Power: That's right, I want to become the president of the united states of america! after that I will raise the VAT price to 100% to make humans suffer and then I'm going to get my nobel prize!

After that, everyone remained silent to elaborate what she just said.

(Y/N): Power we are in Japan you know? You can't become the president of America.

Power: Shut up human! I didn't asked for your opinion!

Since the reporters were still distracted I took the opportunity, I grabbed Power by her wrist and started dragging her away, but as I did it the reporters blocked my way.

Female reporter: Wait, can you give us a proper responce to our question?

At that point I was really annoyed by them, so I pointed my finger in a random direction and said...

(Y/N): Look, the fuck I care!!!

As I did it everyone looked in the direction that I pointed, that gave me the time to run past the reporters with power and enter safely in the school.


Me and Power sitted in our class' sits and after a while Midoriya came to sit next to me.

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