Chapter 1 - How we meet America

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Russia and Germany have been really close friend's since kindergarden, Despite their parent's being enemy's, Russia and Germany didn't care about that, if they wanna be friend's then.. be friend's!

One day at the second grade, Mister UK introduced us to a new student. His name was America, he was wearing cool glasses, that's nice!

Mister UK: Alright class, i will like you to meet are new classmate America, he is my son and he just stransferred here and i will like you all to take time to introduce your self's to America, and make America feel more welcomed here.

Germany: Oh! A new student yeay!

Mister UK: And if any of you are feeling generous enough, you can show America around the school, would anyone be interested?

Russia: Oh! Oh! Mister UK, i'll be happy to show the new student around!

Mister UK: Ah, Russia, im glad your interested.

Germany: Uhm Mister UK i wanna join to!

Mister UK: Oh Germany i didn't thought you'll be interested, but who cares!? Alright boys you two will give America a tour guide around the school.

Just then the bell rang, everyone in the class immediatly got out including Mister UK, it was just me, Germany and the new student!

Russia: Oki America let's g-

Before Russia could even finish his sentence America pushed Russia, HEY! NOT COOL!

America: Look, i don't need loser's like you to guide me, i can just figure it out my self.

America then left the classroom, leaving Germany and Russia alone.

Germany: That wasn't nice at all..

Russia: Yeah! For a second i thought we had a new friend..

Germany: Tell me about! Well, let's just leave him be.

Russia: Okay..

Germany helped Russia get up, after that, they both went to the playground to play.

Germany: Hey! I got a cool idea! Wanna play in the monkey bars?

Russia: Sure!

They both ran towards the monkey bars and started climbing, they were having fun but suddenly, they both heard a little boys cries for help and laughing..

Russia: Hey Ger.. do you hear that?

Germany: Yeah.. it sound's like someone's crying..

Russia then jumped off the monkey bars and tried to find the source of that sound, after looking left and right he saw a group of teenagers surrounding someone or, something.. Russia tapped on Germany's shoulder and pointed to where the sound was coming from.

Germany: Woah.. what happened there?

Russia: i don't know.. let's check it out!

Germany nodded and they both went to group of teenagers they were laughing, the two young boys looked at the teenagers it look's like their in grade 11 or 10. Germany tapped on the person's back. The teenagers then stopped laughing and looked at them

Germany: Uhm.. excuse me Mister.. me and my friend here were just playing with the monkey bars and uhm, we heard some noises and, we were just wondering where the noises were coming from...

Teenager 1: Heh! Look at this one! He's got a " cute little bunny hat" on! Haha!

Russia: Hey! It's not a bunny hat! It's an ushanka! My daddy gave it to me..

Teenager 2: Oh look! He's trying to play smart! Heh, classic.

Teenager 3: Don't mind if we borrow it?

One of the guy's took Russia's hat and started to stomp on in,


Teenager 3: Hey Teenager 1! Catch!

Russia: STOP THAT!!

The Teenagers started to throw around Russia's ushanka, Russia tried to catch it, but despite him being in second grade he was short comparing to the teenagers

Germany: Hey! Give him back his ushanka!!

no matter how hard Germany screamed to make them stop, they didn't care, they started to destroy Russia's ushanka, Russia was about to cry but then, One of the teenagers got hit in the head with a rock. The Teenagers turned around to see, Germany was the one who throwed it. They Teenagers stopped at walked towards Germany, but Russia bit Teenager 1 leg!

Teenager 1: AGH! GET OFF!

Russia's teeth were sharp so the leg was starting to bleed.


Teenager 2 pulled Russia away from Teenager 1 leg, but instead Russia climb into Teenager 2 body and started scratch his body with his BEAR HANDS!

Teenager 2: AAH! RETREAT!

Russia got off from Teenager 2 and, the Teenagers all escaped

Germany: Woah! Russia you saved me! Thank you!

Russia: Oh your welcome! I didn't know that i had sharp teeth..

Germany: Now let's see where was that noise coming from!

Russia: Okay but let me get my ushanka first.

After Russia got his ushanka they both turned around to see, America was the one getting bullied! America looked scared, his glasses were broken, he had tears poring down his chin, he looked up and saw Russia and Germany were standing there looking at him!

America: AAAH! please don't hurt me! Im sorry i pushed you earlier!

America begged forgiveness,

Russia: Hey, i forgive you you don't have to cry now, that's what friend's do, right Germany?

Germany: Ja! And you know.. we would love to be your friend's!

Russia: Да! So what do you say? Will you be are friend?

America: Really? After what i did to you?

Russia: Mhm!

America: Well.. you guys helped me so.. sure

Russia: Awesome! We'll be friend's forever!

Germany: Yeah!

America: Yeah.. friend's forever..


Russia: And yeah! That's how we meet America if i remember..

Japan: woah! I can't believe you bit the bullies leg!

South k: Yeah like.. how'd you do that??

Russia: I don't know i just bit his leg. That's all

South k: but.. did you get detention for doing that?

Russia: Pfft.. i was just a second grader, teachers don't give a damn!

Japan: Well that's a wrap! thank's for doing this interview Russia! We will be leaving now. Let's go south k!

South k: Yeah! Bye!

Russia: Bye

To be continued..

People watching Russia bite someone's leg: 👁👄👁 the fuck?

Sorry this is lazy as hell but i will make more.

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