Chapter 3 - A new member

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One day.. Poland was peacefully eating his lunch in the cafeteria.. until someone came and ruined his peaceful eating session

Japan empire: ugh.. so what are we going to do boss?

Third reich: We need to reicruted another member for are GROUP.

Fascist italy: Oh! How about that guy!

Fascist italy pointed to a specific country, Third reich looked to where was fascist italy pointing to.

Third reich: Ah, poland! He's perfect!

Japan empire: are you sure boss? I mean.. isn't he a.. little weak?

Third reich: oh, i don't care about that! We just need members! Come on.

Japan and italy followed the third reich.

Poland: Ah.. time to enjoy my meal.

Before Poland could even take a bite of his food, he was interrupted by the axis.

Third reich: Ah! Poland my friend! It's good to see you again!

Poland: oh.. hi third reich.. uhm, can i help you?

Third reich: Of course you can! Listen.. so as you know my group has been engaged with a blood feud with those DNA guzzling football team for centuries now, we would like to formally invite you to join are axis group!

Poland: eh?.. i don't know.. it sound's risky..

Third reich: Oh! Not at all! Dear Poland! Listen.. if you join are group you'll be protected by us! Right guys?

Japan empire: Yeah! Totally..

Third reich: soo? What do you say? Join or not.

The way Third reich said it in a deep tone made Poland a little scared, of course he didn't wanna get hurt.. so he agreed

Poland: Fine..

Third reich: Great! Now if you would excuse im going to make a evil plan TO DESTROY THE FOOTBALL TEAM, Byeee

Third reich then left Poland alone, japan and italy of course followed, Poland felt scared on what to do, he was shivering and his hands were shaking.

After eating lunch Poland was in a hunt to find the faucet to clean his dirty hand's after eating, he was searching for the faucet but he accidently bumped into someone

Poland: Ow! Oh jeez im sorry!

America: Oh! Hi Poland.

Poland: Oh, America it's you.. phew im so realived.

America: why what's wrong?

Russia: Hmm?

Poland: Ah, it's nothing!..

America: your acting weird actually..

Poland: what? Me? Oh! Not at all!

America: alright.. oh hey! I have something to tell you!

Poland: Huh? What is it?

America: well.. im glad i ran into you! So, we would like to give you a spot on the school's football team.

Russia: WHAT?!

Germany: ?

Poland: Huh??

Russia: Heyyy Americaaa can we talk please?

America: oh sure.

Russia: what the fuck is going on?!

America: we are at war Russia, and we need allies!

Russia: Why was i not consulted about this?

America: because YOU are the quarterback of the football team, im the captain, i have the last say on personnel desicions got it?

Russia: Got it.


Russia: fine..

Germany: uhm.. hey, i like your wings

Poland: thank's, i like your glasses

Germany: Thank you.

America: Heeey Poland! Russia want's to tell you something! Right ruski??

Russia: *sigh* They, would like to formally invite you to the football team.

America: See? Soo would you like to join?

Poland was really nervous he couldn't even say anything. He didn't wanna upset the third reich and America, both of them can ruin his reputation.. or life.. so he had to agree on America to

Poland: UHM! Sureeeee

America: Awesome! I knew you would join! Welcome to the football team buddy well we better get going bye!

The three left poland alone again, poland was really scared.. he really just wanna disappear. But it's to late to back down now Poland, it's your desicion.

Poland was shaking and shivering the entire school day, he just want's to go home, after what it felt like years, it was time to go home! Poland couldn't control his excitement of going home. So  flew away from the school gates and flew the way back home.

To be continued...


Well i hope you enjoyed this plot twist chapter lol sorry if this is really short. I had a wattblock

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