Chapter 7 - first day of prom

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America, Germany and Russia were at the mall buying their tuxedos for prom tommorow.

America: uhmm... Nothing matches!

Germany: Well.. your having a hard time finding clothes.

America: I want the perfect one! Right ruski? Ruski?

America looked left and right but he didn't see Russia anywhere.

America: Uh.. Germany where's Russia?

Germany: He went to the food court, he got bored waiting for you.

America: Of course he would..

America continued to find the perfect tuxedo, he was really trying to find the best one.. Germany sighed and waited for America, but something caught Germany's attention.. it was a white tuxedo, it had a big bow tie on it.

Germany: Woah! America look!

America: Huh?

Germany: Look at that tuxedo! It will look great on you!

America: Eh.. it does look good.. i should try in on!

America went to the changing room and changed his clothes, Germany waited outside the changing room while holding his item AKA his tuxedo, After a few minutes America was done, it looked great on him!

Germany: Ahah! That's the one!

America turned around to look at the big mirror, he was happy with it!

America: Your right! Im getting this one! Imma change back tho..

He went back to the changing room and quickly changed back to his original clothes, after that, he pulled Germany's arm and dragged him to the cashier

America: Cmon Ger! Your so slow!

Germany: Alright.. alright..

They went to the cashier, their was a big line up front, America groaned loudly dragging other people's attention.

America: BRUH.. why do yall have to buy clothess tooo..

America and Germany waited.. FOR A TRILLIUN YEARS, After like.. 5 minutes, it was their turn to pay, after that they both went to the food court to find Russia, they found Russia sitting while eating a basket of french fries, he was looking at his phone to.

America: hi ruskiii!

Russia: what? And stop calling me that.

America: Fineee.. hey! Aren't you gonna buy a tuxedo or a suit.. for prom?

Russia: Oh, i already have one, it's my dads

America: Seriously? Your dad's suit? Shouldn't you buy a new one?

Russia: No, it's a legacy, plus he's still alive

Germany took one french fry and ate it.

Germany: Yum.. Anyways, we should get going and change.

Russia: Hmm, Let me.. just..

Russia Grabbed the basket of french fries and poured in all into his mouth, some of the french fries fell from his mouth, after that he wiped his mouth with his hand.

Russia: Alright let's go.

Russia got up from his seat, the three left the mall and split up, America went to his home, Russia went to his Mansion and Germany went to his home aswell,



America finally arrived in his home, he opened the door with wis spare key he always had in his pocket.

/The Most Popular Country Boys At School/ [Country Humans]1 FIRST BOOKDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora