Chapter 8 - The Prom night (final changed)

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UN: Student's and faculty, please give a big round of applause to the five finalist for the Internasional Country High School Prom 2023! It is my Pleasure to say, here to present the crown, ladies and gentlemen, thd most popular boy of the High school of communist 1922 and 1945 Prom king! Soviet Union!


Russia: DAD?!

Soviet union: Oh hey son!

Soviet was in the stage wearing a suit, he had a lot of scars and cracks.. lol

Soviet union: Thank you principal UN.

America: Im sorry, does anyone think it's a conflict of interest to have Soviet Union annoucing the winners-

Russia: When a Soviet is the finalist?!

America: Dont you ever.. cut me off again.. do you understand?

Third reich: Im gonna be honest, i dont really see what's the big deal.

Soviet union: yeah me to, im fine with it!

Poland: And thanks to the pity vote, regardless im gonna win, so i dont give two shit's

America: South k?

South k: Well, i think this should really be a night for all of us to celebrate to together you guys! Like.. i know its cliche, but it's such an honor just to be nominated!

Russia: Godammit! He's so wise..

UN: As it is gentlemen, im unable to attend tonight, as somebody thougth it will be funny to reserve the locks in my office door, thereby sealing me in this.. death trap of paper work and diplomas!
Whoever you are.. just know, i will find you, and when i do.. *chukles* Nonetheless, the show must go on! So soviet, the floor is yours!

Soviet union: Thank you before we begin, i just wanted to tell each of the finalist know.. that your all winners.. except the ones who dont win. Your all losers.

China: Oh my god.. he's so eloquent.

North k: I know right?

Third reich: You guys are so loud.

North k: What did H*tler do to you?

Soviet union: Our third runner up.. South k!

Japan: Ah! You guys! He denifitaly deserved it!

Mongolia: Yeah! Good for you South k!

Soviet union: Good job, everybody will forget you next year. Second runner up is.. Poland!

Poland: What the fuck?! I got my arms ripped of for second runner up?! This is bullshit! I dont even know what second runner up is!

Soviet union: It sure the fuck isn't winning.

France: It's third place!

Poland: Third place?! Are you kidding me? I have to write with my mouth and all i get is third place?! This is bullshit! This never happened before!

Soviet union: Good job, second second place is always fun. And our first runner up. But sadly isn't the winner.. My favorite favorite child and totally not Ukraine, Belarus or Kasahkstan.. its.. Russia!

Russia: Ah, knew it.

Ukraine: What the fuck DAD!?

Belarus: Yeah! What the heck?!

Kasahkstan: What?

America: Congratulation's Rus! First runner up is a big accomplisment for someone like you.

Russia: Fuck off.

America: I hope you remember never to betray me again.

Russia: This isn't over.

America: Oh no.. trust me it is.

Soviet union: Oh hey Son, i noticed you came to prom without a date *chuckles* thats really pathetic..

Russia: ...

Soviet union: Moving on.. it's the moment you all been waiting for..
The Prom king of the country high school is.. wait.

America: What?!

Soviet union: T-This cant be right... can somebody help me?

France got on top of the stage, he looked at the envelope that soviet was holding

France: Holy shit.

Soviet union: Apparently the winner is a.. write-in!

Germany: Wait.. is he coming in a horse?

Russia: No, write-in, like with a pen, that means the person wasn't nominated!

Soviet union: The winners for the prom king is.. Japan empire?!

Third reich: WHAT?!



Japan: Uhm.. i like him!

America: EXACTLY!

Japan empire: Well, hit the bricks bicth HAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!

Japan empire left the prom after that, Third reich and America couldn't even believe what they just saw.

America: I cant believe it. I didn't win.

Third reich: Me to, we lost to a country with no arms.

America: Maybe.. if we tried to be nice to each other for once.. maybe next we could be the prom king..

Third reich: Yeah.. i agree.

America: But how about we work together to destroy japan empire's life?

Third reich: i like that idea a lot more.

America: Wait does that mean were friends?

Third reich: No, i fucking hate you

America: Alright good. Fuck you and your entire squad.

Third reich: Enjoy your reputation bitch

America: Your gonna die aloneeee!

The end..

Lol i guess it's time to change to another book. Like the title said first book. Their will be a second book so dont worry.. byee i hope you actually enjoyed the story lol -marvinXidoriya

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